Probably not, everything is just mock-ups in this video, as nobody is gaining XP even at level 1 or 2. But it seems 50 is indeed the max level because the XP bar looks different at this level than for the lower ones.
As for the paragon, I would prefer a higher cap, if one at all : the main issue for me is wether paragon is account-wide or character based…
Yeah. Everything in the blog seems to be even more of a mock-up than previous blogs. Wonder if that is a bad sign. I can understand why some of the skill hit box videos etc are mock-ups, since they are capturing stuff outside normal gameplay, but yeah, literally everything in this blog seems to be “fake”.
Yeah. I also worry it might be class based due to the description in the blog. I sure hope not.
Being endless (or pseudo endless) or being account/class based would make it a terrible system tbh.
Maybe it’s normal, the game is not even in alpha. It seems like they concentrate visual polish on the effects/animation etc. and not so much on UI anymore, as they are still iterating heavily on systems.
The XP bars could be fixed to test specific levels.
I didn’t consider this possibility… what made you think of it ?
Still better than account based but not ideal to say the least.
I thought the same thing. For me, it’s how the blog how worded certain sections on the blog. For example, rather than say that the paragon board unlocks for each character, they said for each class instead. Now mind you, this could simply be a case of problematic phrasing and such, however either way the implication is still there imo.
So it kind of implies that the progress of the paragon board could be shared by characters of the same classes. Of course, that’s not to say that I think that board bonuses are shared across characters of the same classes, since that wouldn’t work very well as Diablo 4 will (unless this changes) have costly respec. So setting up the ideal board for one character, may not be as ideal for another character of the same class. Instead, if the paragon boards do share progress with one another, I’m guessing that any paragon board points/levels you acquired for one character will also be available for another character of the same class.
All in all, this paragon board has brought forth a lot of questions and sadly all we can do atm is speculate; and while that’s part of the fun, in this case, it’s a tad worrisome, especially with those glyphs that are only upgradable in certain dungeons…
I think Piepora meant that each class has its own set of boards, e.g. sorceresses have access to 10 boards that are completely different from the barbarians’ (just like each class has its own unique skill tree).
Yeah, like I said that gives some implication that it’s class shared. Now that’s not saying that I expect it to be class shared, as I’m hoping that paragon board progress is individual-based and not shared at all (similar to Diablo 3 paragon pre-RoS).
Tbf, but just about everything that I talked about pertaining to Diablo, be it lore and/or potential features and such, is a result of reading a lot from very little info. In other words, I do a lot of speculations, more so when it comes to the things that I’m actually interested in.