Barbarian Balance Requests for 2.7.2 (?)

So why exactly are people again calling for a nerf to wwrend? Don’t you also need to hard cast rend still for optimal pushing in density?

Take away the seasonal theme and 10k paragons, I’m pretty sure I see multiple classes and builds the same power and clearing potential. So is it the few that aren’t quite up there that are complaining? Wouldn’t it be better to just ask for those few to have buffs to get them to the levels of other?


They’re trolls trying to get Barb’s all riled up, but we’re not going to bite. Devs have already said that they are good with where WW/Rend is.




Zodiac Rend is in a good spot after barbs has years of being no close to the other classes. Please let us keep our successful build and raise our other popular fun builds to its level. I hope the other classes are also given the attention they deserve!


Pretty much all of them until season 20?
I’m not saying there weren’t other classes that also had issues, just that barbs finally got a powerful build, but it’s not overly so, so why are people trying to get in nerfed?


All in all, it’s fairly easy, even as a push build. Every build runs into problems at higher levels, even single target once.

Why i said it was easy it was because whirlrend covers several fronts as in damage, gathering and mobility. The proposal to nerf was only to illustrate that separating builds by difficulty is not a sound path. Because you’re punishing a potentially fun play style over a more difficult one.

For me, I view whirlrend differently from free, thus I don’t put on a pedestal above the rest, instead I have both builds available. If it makes running frenzy a better build for farming paragon, great, it still leaves whirlrend strong for speeds. But then I know that I can push with both, and at the very highest, they will be fairly close.

Thanks for the list, I forgot barbs could solo clear pretty well. When I said weaker I should have been more clear. I was thinking of the fact that we never dps in groups and our farm options used to be pretty far behind other classes, with comparable gear and paragon. I’m a solo player so being part of the beta as zdps was never that big of an appeal to me, but I realize some enjoy it.

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4 out of 20 isn’t much for top as some suggest by the threat of rend being too powerful? As far as meta, yeah…they have always been a support, not dps. Dps means damage. Are we also talking about the old ww solo clears with 8k+ paragons? I don’t have the think to look at quickly that’s provided.


There is more to it than top solo clears. As I said, no dps in groups and considerably better gear and more paragon required to farm.


Correct on the no DPS role in 4 man meta but a guaranteed spot for 18 consecutive seasons in the 4 man meta seems to be a tradeoff that many would be willing to make.

Someone did an analysis where they looked at paragon levels needed to clear GRs across several seasons. Again, barbarians were rather average. Some classes needed more paragon some less to clear the same GR. Ironically, this included the time where barbs had the lowest top solo clears.

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Very good write up. Although Barbarians are, in my view, the best class in Diablo 3 (and have been for a LONG TME) some of these would add some much needed build variety, and that’s something all classes need.

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Overall, a good list of suggestions, though, I still want to see the H90 set reworked to:

  • (2) Set: Double the effectiveness of shouts. You deal double damage to Feared, Frozen, or Stunned enemies.
  • (4) Set: As long as a shout is in effect, gain 60% damage reduction. Frenzy stacks lasts twice as long.
  • (6) Set: Primary skills, Revenge, Overpower, and Ancient Spear deals 20,000% increased damage.

DH’s got their primary skills set when I wanted one for Barbs more… Frenzy is nice but I want to make a Cleave generator/Bash Spender build too. I also want Weapon Throw/Boulder Toss builds to be viable too. And Revenge and Overpower are completely disregarded skills… they need support legs that synergise into a build but adding them to the set is a start.

Reworking H90 to the above suggestion will retain the current H90 build options but also open it up to being a more flexible set to gear up with and use in the long run.


Note I said to farm. I was also referring to prior to the wotw buff.

I don’t think your rework would change anything because the supporting legendaries for the other skills are mostly useless.

I know… but it would lay the foundations for those support legendaries to be tweaked in the future (thus my statement about the ‘long run’ in my previous post). If the set doesn’t support the skill, then there’s no point in changing the legendaries so this step must come first.

In the interim, we can at least use the support legendaries if it’s the best item we have to use with the set at the start of a season. As it stands, if H90 was ever the starter set, it’s Frenzy support items or bust… there’s no flexibility if we dropped the Bash or Cleave support legs.

Fair enough, although I’m not sure I see the point of

  • Buffing for less than 1% of the total season runtime (because for how long do you play scuffed build until you can find your gear ? 2 hours ? 3 hours ?)
  • Spending dev time “buffing” in the end still useless builds. If they went all the way and buffed those builds to be actually good, sure. But until then, isn’t it better to leave everything untouched, so that later on, they have complete freedom in what they actually want to buff ?

It would be for one season that this would occur for… they can buff the set only for patch 2.7, and then…

… they buff the legs for the next season’s patch… 2.7.1 of what ever it is.

Not the slightest. The reason is because of Ancient Spear/Boulder Toss… it’s also buffed by other sets so if they want to start tweaking with the support legs for boulder toss, they need to get the H90 set in stone.

If they rework it the way I suggested, it wouldn’t change things for current H90 frenzy builds… it would actually be an improvement as you wouldn’t have to be so dependent on stacks for DR making it more friendly for HC play.

I don’t understand, can you elaborate on why ? To me, it would make sense to say, “ok, let’s buff boulder toss build” and then choose exactly what they want to do with it to make it good. Maybe it’s H90. Maybe it’s raekor (that’s what would make sense to me at least). Maybe it’s something else (LoD ? IK ?).

In my opinion, sets should be highly specialized buffs to make builds feel interesting to play, and putting a 20k% buff on boulder toss on H90 wouldn’t exactly make it interesting to play, at least not more than raekor for example.

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Lets use another class as an example, DH with multishot. We all know UE is the set to play if you wanna push with MS as it supports MS and the support legs the best. But MS also works with Nats and it also works with M6. They’ll buff the legs around Nats, UE MS will be over powered.

Similarly, they will need to do the same for Barbs and boulder toss… they can’t balance around R6 or IK or MOTE and then add the skill to H90 when the 6pc damage buff on H90 could make BT over perform.

If you’re saying that sets should enable new styles of play (e.g. the original M6 with sentries firing your spenders, or Jade which turns Soul Harvest into a nuking skill)… yes I agree. I originally never wanted to see DR and damage buffs on sets. I only wanted sets to be for utility but that’s not the direction the devs went in.

As it is, I don’t particularly think H90 is very interesting in its current state. Builds that are designed around stacks for both DR and damage buffs just encourage constant LMB mashing. I hated the Rathma set and most Necro sets for this. I’d prefer not having to worry about maintaining excessive stacks and being able to focus on positioning.

But R6 doesn’t buff Weapon Throw does it? There’s been plenty of requests over the years for a WT/BT build to be viable… even only GR100 viable. Sure, we can try to make it work with LOD but that’s a hell of a lot of effort for a sub performing build. I know because I’ve made a LOD electrocute build on my alt account.

I agree with this. That build has been meta for way too long. It’s time to take it down a notch and make room for other classes. As of now, nothing can compare to it, not even GoD.

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In this case, necro and monk need to be taken down as they have been meta for far too long…??

GoD build isn’t as powerful as wwrend? Please explain.