Barb Buffs in 2.6.7 & What You Want

No, don’t need serious work. You are a player. You have to play the game and giving feedback in general.

But this conversation is absolutely pointless. You don’t or don’t want to understand what I’m speaking about.

A barbarian does not care what others think about his drink :wink:


No people get what you’re saying. It’s not one person and if you go back a bit you’ll see a lot of “we” from the people who spearheaded the effort. Any group needs leaders and they get the most attention but without the people pushing from behind nothing happens. It takes time and leaders will fall by the wayside and need to be replaced.

Single warriors can inspire but it’s the shield wall pushing that wins the battle.

Most classes don’t have a shield wall.


You’re welcome to your opinion, but that doesn’t mean it works for everyone.

Rage and I led a massive community effort to get buffs for our favorite class. At no point have we ever taken sole credit for the work. In fact, the only things we did solely on our own was to collate the discussion points, gather data, and write the analysis and website. It was a lot of work based on a lot of community input. It took a lot of continued community input to keep the proposal in front of the devs’s eyes, to keep it current as a topic of conversation.

And it paid off.

So now we’re sharing our approach with others so they might use it and likewise benefit.

Would it have happened were it not for Rage and I? Hard to say. I guess when it comes to Barb stuff I have a lot of pull–take a look in the Barb forums and you’ll see my name on a lot of threads. So, I think it’s fair to give credit where credit is due: Rage and I organized, led, and consolidated a community effort, and we ultimately were the filters for what made it in and what didn’t. Nonetheless, it was a community effort.

Your negativity and nastiness, it’s just not welcome here, mah dude. And as for buffs, if you can’t see that 3x multipliers are actual buffs, well, you might need to uninstall.


I can only apologise that I have but one like per post to give.


the ww/rend changes seem cool. All the other stuff was just evening out the inner class playing field it seems. Buffing IK in ways. I’m not sure where ik HOTA was in relation to Rae? The new Slam wep is nice but i like rumble/BT so not for me. 300th still 60%, and w/e the new barb set will be will probably focus on under used skills with buffed/new legendaries for those skills. Hopefully there will be a more sweeping buff of things for underperforming dps’s.

128 vs 132+. This will put IK HOTA on par with Fire EQ and Vile Charge.

Bane of Trapped slows enemies, so it’s easy for any build to proc this effect.


Has anyone done the math or are we just waiting for the PTR to drop and see how it performs? I think the Rend damage output will be really really strong and im really hyped to finally play my favourite D3 build again and be strong with it!

Thanks for all the work you have done Free and thanks to Nev for letting the devs know what the barbarian community really wants. You rarely see this type of involvement of the community in video games.


What about kombucha? You know it’s fermented and it’s something between tea and booze? Get it? Eheh-ahah…
stares at the empty space in dread for 3 seconds contemplating the existence of a beer and tea mix

I think you exaggerated the roleplay abit by spilling some extra details.

Neither do I, sorry. A few people led this movement and nobody is saying otherwise. Even though it was senseless at times, developers listened and applied what can be done. Changes were not worthy of 40 page long essay but in the end it was a buff at most wanted spec of Barbarians.

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Barb for next season to play?
We shall see…

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Seismic Slam…


yeah i meant the attack speed part doesn’t really factor in. But for non tribes quake/ss combo’s the damage would still be nice.

after playing around on the planner the new fiords will probably push me off of blade of the tribes. the damage will probably be a little bit more total and with room for cassius the toughness will be almost double.

thanks to all of you who are pushing these updates. I love this game and over time i seem to always revisit it similar to how i am with D2, and i have my d2 account from like 15 years ago…

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Yeah, all it took is flooding General Discussion with Barb specific threads and when Barbs didn’t get what they wanted in the last patch to make two more threads complaining that Blizzard didn’t listen to the Barbs right off the bat.

I said then that it was a case of “We want what we want and want it NOW!!!”

But let’s all just let that go by the wayside. I mean, every class should flood General Discussion and attack anyone that comes into the threads with anything but support for every idea presented in the thread.

Apparently it works! LOL.

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And the patch before that. And the one before that. And also, the one before that. Etc, etc, etc. Yeah, Barbs had no right to want what they wanted right now, huh?

And similar threads were made after each instance of being ignored - again - and it apparently only worked this time, perhaps because a dedicated website was set up detailing the whys, hows and wherefores of the changes that needed (still need) to be made. Maybe that’s the answer? If not, what do you suggest?

Oh, and would you like chips with your salt?


I’m not arguing that the Barbs shouldn’t have made their wishes known. What I’m taking issue with is the thread in the Barbarian forum as a call for all the barbarians to come to General Discussion and make threads.

I actually liked the original Barb buff request. Everything that followed it was unnecessary.

And yes, I’m saying that Barbs were no more deserving to have their class looked at. I’m not arguing that they didn’t deserve the attention they got but there were some things that was done at the same time as their reasonable request that weren’t exactly what I would call reasonable. That’s what I take issue with.

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I think you are really missing the point. Free, from what I remember, had over 5k posts in the old forums. Prob 95%+ were all in the barb forums. He has created many guides, and understands the mechanics of the game.

Yes many people discussed barbs, but Free and Rage were talking back and forth for pages and pages in the forums. On top of that, they created, edited, revised, and submitted an entire proposal. That is something that hasn’t been done.

It is you who is missing the point. You are trying to downplay someones efforts. Someone, who the entire barb community recognizes.

Don’t worry man, when I first came to the forums many years ago and not knowing anything, I too questioned Free and disagreed with him through lack of knowledge. I then read more and learned why I was wrong. You will too.

Just take your L and move along.


Honestly, it was all a process. Barbs took reasonable steps 3-4 years ago when we first started realizing that barbs were falling off. Most chatter was in barb forums, as were the requests. There have been many well thought out and constructed posts about barbs and what we needed at the time. All of which seemed to have fallen on deaf ears.

Please understand, this has been years in the making and the first time the barb community has really been heard and something has been done out. Props to Classic Games.

For us to be heard, that’s what it took.


I’m salt free, but can I still have chips?


I see you don’t play barb…

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