Barb Buffs in 2.6.7: Feedback and Analysis

Free, have you tested SS? I read Felix’s comprehensive post that Mote/CC/EF is a no-no due to resource issues (thus making IK2 only option for EF). But youtubers such as Bluddshed seem to recommend it, with Zodiac (for perma Ancients/Wrath). Looks to me a bit squishy if no BoM, at least on paper.

Did he use weapon master and main hand mighty weapon?

If not, try it, it will be a huge difference.

Yes, though I’m not an expert on that build.

My problem with the MOTE+CC build is that it’s very finnicky. Resource is only a problem when Ancients are down, and my testing gear is far from perfect, but the damage is very, very good with Crimson’s.

He has EF main and no fury generating passive diablofans(.)com/builds/105304-2-6-7-seismic-slam-push-build

Saw a short video and although fury went down he didn’t seem to have issues. Although low rift so everything died quickly

I think MotE + CC - or any SS build based on ancients to generate fury is purely a solo play build, because as soon as you join a group and other peeps are killing stuff and your ancients don’t get to hit stuff too much, and you keep advancing on map, you will be starved really quick.

Just Try weapon master. Try it (main hand might weapon). You will find something interesting.

With 20-30 mobs hit, it regains all fury spent.


Initial reactions to LoD HotA:

Uptime of CotA and WotB not a problem with 65% CDR. Cooldowns on both reset with around 5 seconds to spare.

Build is excellent in density but tricky to play. Trying to hit enough mobs to keep EF up but so many that you deplete your fury takes some balance.

My gear isnt perfect, but it is very good. About 2300 paragon. I did 110 around 10 minutes on an average map. One thing I’m missing that will definitely help is the new FotA shoulders. I used a legacy version because it was better stats, but I really need that extra fury when I hit too many mobs.

I tried IK HotA as well, also 110, and I could immediately tell it wasn’t as powerful. I’ll need to mess around with it more, but neither are as good as WotW currently.


Unfortunately I have crappy mote gear and can’t really test it now. I’ll roll barb in s19, first time in almost 2 years, and build towards ss. Thanks!

These are essential.

Density doesn’t matter–with the new shoulders, you never run out of Fury. It’s really, really sweet.

I did IK HOTA in about the same time you did LOD, so I think they’re pretty close. Regardless, Remorseless needs an additional buff.


I don’t even have Crimsons Belt. Damn where can I get it. I really don’t want to do bounties in ptr. LMAO

Bounty plan only. But if you have it on Live, you should have it on PTR.

Otherwise, you’re doing bounties.

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Yeah to me it feels about as powerful as DH LoD RF. I think with augments and some practice (and new shoulders) I could push 120. So pros should be able to do 135+ I would guess?

Hard to say. IK HOTA was capping out at 128, and most clears weren’t making it above 122-125. This new buff adds about 3-5 GRs worth of potential, but realistically it’s more like 2-3.

Remorseless still needs a boost.


Agree, Remorseless is lacking both damage and AS.
Fjord Cutter is not much of an improvement, especially having to lose Istvan’s.
WW-Rend is great and really overshadows and brings to the front how poor all the other barb builds really are.
Ik HotA, Leapquake, and Cold slam are currently (live) the best out of the box alternates to WW. Charge builds with broken mechanics and clunky gameplay don’t count either.
These new additions to WW have really shown the lack of viable builds and choices for lower paragon and casual players to have a good game experience and really do some damage early game…


Already created and it works like a charm :slight_smile:

Check out Raxxanterax on YT.

I also suggest boost IK to 60. This will buff charge and IK hotA. Just did 110. yeah…21min with EoF BoP. Am I 70 years old?

God…I just found I forget cube FirstMen…Have to retest…Confirmed 70 years old.

Finally got a chance to test IK HotA. Only change was new Fury shoulders, EF and Remorseless replacing IBs.
Paragon 1088
Stricken and Trapped 101, PE 93
Previously I did a 102 at 12:49, and I just did 102 at 10 and change, so about a 3 minute improvement.

Previous items were not perfect but pretty well rolled so new patch items were worse. Remorseless ancient but low HotA percentage.

Definitely harder to maintain the attack speed buff with EF than IB out of density and at RG with no adds.

Need to do more testing to get a better idea but definitely seems like a buff, although not terribly large, and the loss of defense from IB seemed noticeable.

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WW/REND is a bit too strong atm. Hope they have time to tone it down a bit before release.

Oh Boy… you made a new account only to troll the barbarians?

on the ptr is currently played almost exclusively barbarian, who is hyped to right and I hope it stays that way. I’ll tell you that at the end of the season wizard is back at the top. damage is about the same but significantly more survivability. all classes will benefit from the season buff. and nobody really wants more rat runs!

there should be a new meta every season!


Well said Free. I agree that the SS items need a little buff to bring them up to snuff with where WW is at. Very happy with the RendWW build that’s coming out in the PTR here. Looks like we will have a viable build to perform all game functions fast and effectively and not need to roll a second character like myself and others do (DH/Monk for keys and bounties). It is also nice to see we will be able to do dps in a group setting that will be very close to rat runs. I personally as well see no need to nerf anything in the RendWW build that is coming to fruition here in the PTR. I am scared to move back to more WW damage as potentially suggested because I think the heavy move to Rend was the safest to add damage and not destroy the servers. A 1 sec Rend tick is not anywhere as crazy and server stressing as 15 seconds of Rend plus all the WW damage ticks.

Anyone who is saying 140 clears is too much and that the build needs to be nerfed needs to realize that’s a 10k+ paragon player that is impossible to reach in seasonal play. That is not an accurate depiction of what the solo barb leaderboard will look like at the end of next season. Will clears be higher than they’ve been…absolutely. 140?..highly doubtful. Now we just need some light additional buffs to SS and IK HOTA and we will have a very competitive leaderboard for barbs with multiple builds. That is our goal. To have many builds that are all around the same GR max so a player can decide what they enjoy playing and push with that build and be competitive with other players who are using something else. We are getting there slowly. This patch was a great push in that direction. Just need some additional buffs to the items Free listed in the OP and we should be getting close.

To all those who helped with the proposal and of course Free and Rage who actually took the time and effort to compose it, congrats that work has paid off and those of us who love barb and finally getting the love we have been waiting for.