Bane of the Sticken - Rank 75 (Not Scaling)


My Season 23 Barbarian’s “Bane of the Stricken” gem is Rank 75. However it doesn’t seem to scale with increased rank level. It still shows attack damage increase is stuck at 1.55%. Please help if this is bugged. Thanks

Level 0 gem has 0.8%, and each level increases this by 0.01%.

Your gem should have 1.55% damage on it, and that is what you say it has.

Why are you posting this as a bug?


I think he is expecting the gem to scale at 0.8% x 75. So he thinks it should be 60% at rank 75. With that kind of scaling though that gem would have insane damage. That would be so high that no other damage gems would be able to beat it.

Now we’re talking! Next seasonal buff perhaps?

It is hard for me to believe that anyone could come to that conclusion and not realize that they have obviously done the math wrong. How could anyone reach the conclusion that it would be intended to do 60% more damage per hit at level 75?

The next step would be to simply Google it (which is what I did) and then realize that it is working properly.

There are some people that don’t bother googling or doing a lot of research. They assume a lot of things, and those assumptions are wrong. Of course there is a possibility that this is just a troll thread. Not good enough at math like Spock of Star Trek to figure the odds though.