Balanced PVP or no PVP?

Obviously D2 PVP wasn’t that great in general but “balancing issues” was part of the reason blizzard gave for originally not having PVP in D3, also claiming it wasn’t “up to par” and then releasing that one-bunned attempt at PVP a year later that not many cared for.

I’m hopeful that with this “open world” concept in D4 that PVP will be much more fun. Im also hoping they have things such as having open-pvp servers like Wo… other games have… So we can start fighting each other for resources or no reason at all, from the very beginning! for those of us that want to. :slight_smile:

So would you prefer if D4 launched with unbalanced PVP or no PVP at all? I’d personally wait a whole extra year for D4 if they just promised to have open PVP servers. <(^.^)>

Or is PVP not that important to a lot of people like im assuming? ya its a loot grinding game, but wouldn’t grinding for that loot be much sweeter if you could use it for something else too? like to randomly battle players in the open world? :smiley:

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I’d rather D4 came out a year earlier because it didn’t have PvP at all.


Hard pass. I have no interest at all in PVP in this game genre, and it beats the heck out of me why anyone would want it. Griefing - yes, I get wanting that, but ‘fair and balanced’ PvP in Diablo? Why? Do you also want Fortnite to be a deep ARPG with complex character building?

I want D4 to be the best PvE game it can be, and any dev time spent on PvP is therefore wasted IMHO. But it looks like PvP is coming, so surely it has to be unbalanced and let the players sort it out as per D2? If not, I’ll be fascinated to see how they balance ranged classes & builds vs melee classes and builds



Well you seem very passionately against PVP. interesting. What if in PVP your skill effects change? So that the balancing of PVP doesn’t directly effect PVE?

well with griefing, if they had PVP-servers you could avoid that entirely being on a PVE server , right?

Also theres nothing to suggest any development time spent on PVP somehow directly effects the quality of the PVE aspect. What if they hired extra programmers? lol

I just like when theres extra stuff to do in the game you know? Like yes the main fun in the game is the monster slaying using cool spells/attacks. But i think using those spells and attacks against other players in either an open world or an arena type space would be just extra fun.


No pvp.

This is Diablo, not Overwatch.

Want pvp, go play Call of Duty.


As someone who pvped in duel rooms in Diablo 2 for years, I would rather for pvp in Diablo 4 to have more effort put into it than what was put into Diablo 3 brawl. If not, then I’m quite fine with them completely omitting it from the game, as a low-zero effort pvp feature (like brawl) isn’t going to please many.

As for whether I want pvp to be balanced, quite honestly a balanced pvp isn’t really something that I would expect to happen. To be honest, I doubt even the pve aspect of the game is going to be balanced, so in all honesty I would be fine with having pvp be unbalanced (that is assuming that player power isn’t through the roof as it is in Diablo 3, and/or Diablo 4 naturally has players deal less damage towards one another), as the pvp portion of the playerbase can certainly work things out on their own.

That said, so long as pvers aren’t forced into pvp, then I’m fine with an implementation of a pvp server (although I wouldn’t count on it happening personally).


You don’t think it could be fun? I’m not saying make it like any other game. its still diablo. Just with an open world PVP aspect. Whats so bad about that idea?

Because it’s Diablo, not Overwatch.

Want pvp, go play Call of Duty.

Last thing we want is bastardization of the genre.


you just repeated yourself and didn’t answer what i said. Its still the same exact game. It just has an extra PVP aspect, why exactly wouldn’t that be fun? Its just an extra thing. Doesn’t effect the rest of the game. D2 and D3 both have PVP aspects, so… its isnt a “bastardization” of the genre. lol.

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I do recall that Blitz said there was doing to be a dedicated pvp zone in the open world. You enter, and you pvp.

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Thats cool n all. But i still hope there is some way you can enter into PVP within the open world too. Not just an arena type PVP but also when you’re out killing monsters. It shouldn’t be mandatory for all players in any way, but i think its just extra fun if you’re out killing mobs and suddenly another player shows up you have to deal with. Blizz said themselves you wouldn’t constantly run into other players. Mostly in towns.

and maybe to eliminate problems like PKing they only allow players around the same level to see eacother?

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Impale DH vs WW/Rend Barb.

Massive single-target nuke build that can initiate damage from range versus area damage focused melee range build. How fun is that for the Barb?

I’m sure you can imagine similar things whereby a sorceress flings fireballs / frostbolts / lightning from the other side of the screen before a Barbarian or Druid can even reach her.

In a match between a ranged hero and a melee hero, unless the melee hero has distance closing abilities, snares, hamstrings, stuns and so on, they’re just going to be kited until dead. Without those, if a ranged hero initiates combat, the ranged hero wins the combat. Every. Single. Time.


And why couldn’t they balance this like they do in other games? Such as melee classes in WoW VS ranged. like you said, if they have snares and slows and even say extra defenses specifically against ranged classes? Why wouldn’t that even it out?

And again, im not saying it should be forced. If you want to ONLY PVE then thats obviously how the game should let you play. obviously. You don’t like it, you don’t have to participate in any way.


That should have been the very first wake up call that they were doing something terribly wrong.

If your pve design implementations result in PVP being so distorted that you have to omit it entirely. It might be time to return to the drawing board.

PVP involves player skill versus player skill. That part will never be balanced or fair, and that is okay.

If you release the game and wait an entire year before beginning to acknowledge the insights that PVP issues will bring your attention to, by then you’ve already dug yourself a hole so deep that you won’t be able to climb out of it.

With a precision balanced, optimized for PVP infrastructure you can easily modify the values and assign appropriately every single AI mob basic creature, mob boss creature, etc.

Even add whatever mechanics you like.

If that is not obvious by now to this team don’t expect another glorious PVE experience. I love how the common anti-pvp argument is “precious time better spent on making my pve experience the best it can be!” when that is exactly what D3 did and look at the end result.

Utter failure at a catastrophic magnitude.

I’d prefer any pvp at launch over no pvp. That way I can determine well in advance whether or not there is any hope left for the franchise.


A pubg / fortnite / cod style game with RPG dynamics would shatter records and set a new precedent on what online gaming communities expect in terms of deliverance. Aim down sight and instead of bullet velocities I have lightning bolts and fireballs? Get out of here and take my money already.

Start considering the range of utility each unique class archetype has as its disposal and that may help alleviate some of the intrigue. It will be fascinating to see of course.

At some point you have to sprout the follicles of confidence to stop picking on mindless predictable AI and try your build design and present accumulation and selection of attire against someone else clad in a wardrobe doing the same.

So yes. I do want the complex character building RPG dynamics in a COD or fortnite type of platform. Thank you for asking!

no you.

no you what?

you stay away from us, loner. lest you want your ear added to the sash (flaunts a string of ears).

oh smack son he dis’d yo mom you going to take that sitting down? that right. you go back to your hole and continue preying on the helpless.

Have you ever seen a western? Ever heard of throwing the gauntlet? Being challenged to a duel to the death? Slapped across the face with a removed glove?

The figure of speech mono e mono?

Why should we presume that all player characters in Diablo are associated with the hero and not the villain? When the actual lore provides a direct contrast to such a presumption? You may want to spend a little more time researching the actual game lore by exploring the world and not just clickity clicking :wink:

The nephalem had a civil war. If players are the nephalem, well, you do understand…


Thanks for the well thought out response.

I agree that if your PVP system is so broken you simply scrap it… then clearly the classes arent balanced enough towards PVE either. There are PLENTY of games with mostly balanced classes with ranged VS melee. No game will ever achieve a 100% balanced system. Especially with how diverse skills can be in any new game today.

and again, its not mandatory. i feel like the anti-pvp crowd hasnt given any legit reasons for not having it. only that THEY don’t like to PVP and therefor no one should. lol

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Starcraft is a great example of balance that involves both melee and ranged units.

People will ask, so why is WoW not balanced like starcraft?

Starcraft has 3 races, which you can consider classes. WoW has something like 12? Diablo 4 at launch will have 5? So while D4 will be easier to balance than WoW it will still be more challenging to balance than starcraft.

An interesting note, game speed affects the balance of starcraft. Game speed affecting unit movement speed, etc.

These are difficult things to balance in ranged versus melee situations.

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How many confirmed kills do you have sir? Are you also 6’5 280lbs? :O. (lets stick to the subject matter pls. i know im being a hypocrite, but still.)

Whats your opinion on not liking an extra PVP aspect in diablo? why wouldnt that be fun? Shooting your hurricanes, fireballs, arrows and minions into battle against eachother? For sh**s and gigs? xD.

Yes, there are, but those games are built from the ground up to be PVP games. Diablo is, and always will be, a PvE ARPG with PVP tacked on. One of the things D2 did right was not compromising the PvE experience at all, and letting players use pretty much the exact same skills and gear in PvP as they did in PvE. PvP in D4 should be pretty much the same. Ask yourself how much ‘fun’ fair and balanced PvP in this game would be. PvP battles that play out like a 5m GR boss. Wheeeeeeeee.

I’m not against having it at all. Put it in the game by all means. I just think the devs are wasting their time trying to balance it, because a) can’t be done from a PvE base, and b) the players who want PvP don’t want it balanced, they want going hostile and griefing.

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lol cmon man. Why does literally every single anti-pvp person ALWAYS insist that the ONLY reason people want PVP is to grief and PK people like a jerk? I literally haven’t done that since i was in HS. Thats a thing mostly kids do out of boredom. And i also gave a way to protect against griefing and to make it optional to PVP.

I also don’t think a “PVE base” has anything to do with being able to balance PVP properly. if you’re going to give the monsters and bosses AI and tons of special attacks… you know… JUST like other players would, then it stands to reason that it shouldn’t even be a stretch to balance the attacks towards eachother as well.

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