Balance Changes into the future

Lol you clowns aren’t the D2 community. You are among the bots and cheaters who plagued the game since it’s release. Constantly break TOS with flying glee and often gloated about doing it too.

Claiming your dumb website is innocent doesn’t actually work on people who know what that website is you know. Since you know I was hanging around with the actual D2 community for the last 20 years. Most of which from websites that saying the name of what you clowns support can get you banned.

Either way I don’t much care about what someone who spent his D2 life cheating has to say about the game. Hopefully bots and duping sites aren’t a problem this time.

They can lower the cooldowns to an acceptable amount. Frozen orb is probably fine, they should probably add a second synergy to it though. However some skills lock you from casting skills for like 5 to 7 seconds. Which is death in hell. Making them completely useless. Not even including that the Expansion does not apply damage over time skills correctly like firewall or inferno. Hydras is like 4 or 5.

In order for it to compete vs fireball you need like 3 of them, which takes like 15 seconds. In a game as fast as diablo 2. XD Don’t need another server for it. Balancing the skills should just be done.

I stuck it up when Blizzard removed my favorite game from battlenet. You guys can settle for a couple balance updates so I don’t see the same 4 builds every game.