Autocast for Diablo 3 on any Mac made easy

I’ve been searching for an easy way to autocast skills on macOS for a time. The “old” way from soft keyboard in the latest Monterey seams to have some problems.
I have found some “free” software to auto click a keyboard key with a settable delay however it’s usually only one key and a 1 or 2 week trial.

So I wrote a simple Apple Script.
Works great in my own opinion so I want to share if anyone is interested.
Apple Script works on every Mac (intel and m1) and this peece of code is extremely simple.
Just change the “keystroke” argument for your casts and its done.
To start the cast press play and when the rift is done press stopp.

It’s much easier if you use an external screen for play and have your apple script on your internal screen.
Hope you like it.
As I can’t send links here I just give you the code:
Open Apple Script and paste:

activate application "Diablo III"
repeat 400 times
	tell application "System Events" to keystroke "cv" using command down
	delay (random number from 1.6 to 2.2)
end repeat

EDIT: You must allow Apple Script in your Settings->Security&Privacy->Accessibility->
So go in there, click the padlock, enter your pass and add Apple Script.
And of course save your script on the desktop so you can dubbleclick it the next time you are about to play.
Hope it works for you

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The EULA has specific prohibitions against using automation. Posting how to accomplish said automation with scripting probably breaches the forum’s Code of Conduct too.

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Is that really true?
Just wanted to share as I found a lot of people asking about the Mac version. PC-gamers have their Numlock.
If it’s so than please delete the post. I hope it’s not.

EDIT: I looked through the Forum Code of Conduct and did not find anything against this.
Just hope I’m providing some technical support for the Mac community. If not I accept the thread being deleted.

You should look at the “License Limitations” in the Blizzard EULA… specifically the section about cheats. The EULA describes cheating as:

Cheating: Create, use, offer, promote, advertise, make available and/or distribute the following or assist therein:

  1. cheats; i.e. methods not expressly authorized by Blizzard (whether accomplished using hardware, software, a combination thereof, or otherwise), influencing and/or facilitating gameplay, including exploits of any in-game bugs, and thereby granting you and/or any other user an advantage over other players not using such methods;
  2. bots; i.e. any code and/or software, not expressly authorized by Blizzard, that allows the automated control of a Game, or any other feature of the Platform, e.g. the automated control of a character in a Game;
  3. hacks; i.e. accessing or modifying the software of the Platform in any manner not expressly authorized by Blizzard; and/or
  4. any code and/or software, not expressly authorized by Blizzard, that can be used in connection with the Platform and/or any component or feature thereof which changes and/or facilitates the gameplay or other functionality;

I think that the purpose of your script is to facilitate gameplay… in any case, it would certainly “influence gameplay”.

Furthermore, the Forum Code of Conduct says:

Posting Cheats, Hacks, Trojan Horses or Malicious Programs

This category includes:

  • Posting links to cheats, hacks, or malicious viruses / programs
  • If you would like to report information regarding cheats or hacks to Blizzard, send it to Do not post it to the forums.

If a player is found to have participated in such actions, they will:

  • Be permanently banned from the forums

So… bottom line… Yes, that is true.