Auto inventory sort

It’s such a great feature on controller, would love on pc.


What’s wrong with manually inventory sort on PC?

Nah… It keeps my Tetris skills sharp. :grin:

I understand the need for auto sort with a controller. But I like arranging my stuff the way I want it, not the way some algorithm thinks. :slight_smile:


So don’t press auto sort button then lol

Nothing’s stopping you from doing it manually


Honestly I wouldn’t care as long as you can turn it off. If mousers want autosort, let 'em have it.

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It’s just a nice qol to press a button to shift everything over. Try the alpha on controller.

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Yeah it makes no sense since PC has controller support…
they should have auto sort if controllers have it.

I’ll still probably never use it, but it makes sense.


no thx…manually is the way to go. whats wrong with the people today… lazy and impatiant…


same i would likely test it and and it wouldn’t sort it how i would like and i would never use it again, but i don’t see a reason to not have it it its already part of the game for controllers… although thats a slippery slope, becuase then u might get people adding “hotkey” with like 6 skills for computer and i dont support that at all soo who knows

try the alpha… That’s some quite thin ice you are on here.

If this gets added even the people holding out on making changes will end up using it. I’d love it.

Tbh I would be worried I’d accidentally hit it all the time. Other games with this feature (Sacred) I always hit the damned button on accident. I would want a hide option for it.

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Controller is so inconvenient for inventory management so why not just let it have a little bit of advantage to make up?

Don’t request everything controller has please. You will be jealous of auto target lock controller has…

These advantages are to make up for lacking a mouse.

I have no issue with autosort but like Geezer said, something off the beaten path for hitting the button. I get some small comfort setting up the stash the way my brain likes, hitting the button by accident would be annoying.

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I’m remembering Titans Quest had it but can’t remember if torchlight did and haven’t played PoE yet, so I’m wanting it for all. I can appreciate the folks wanting to disable it, but I have a feeling a large majority of people would start to use it.

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More options the better, if controller on PC already has it then I’m for it.

That said I’ll still be organizing things perfectly to how I want them.

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I prefer being able to handle my own things. Makes you good at organizing Gems by colors and Runes by levels.

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No no no everyone knows you organize runes alphabetically you blasphemous swine :slight_smile:

I wasn’t so worried about alphabetical, definitely had to flow properly, but if you don’t ensure your charms all have the same graphics, then your a mad man :slight_smile:


Yeah I usually sorted them based on the runewords I would most likely use them for… my vexes and puls always went together, Mal Ist Ohm, same thing.