Are we there yet? Season 28 PTR?

I am still hoping to see the PTR before the end of January. Waiting…and Waiting… Path of Exile is fun however, in the mean time. Thank you Blizzard for showing me the way.

Patch notes Thursday or Friday this week. It just have to be. :laughing:

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We can only hope 20 chars req

If not they are showing how much about money they are, they are wasting peoples time that are playing the game now, not this remade diablo 2 BS they are releasing in June. Hell with d4. Looks like sheet anyways. If they don’t release patchnotes this week Im just done with the Diablo series they continue to make it worse and worse. I know they dont give a F if ONE person says this but Idc this time frame is becoming pathetic and showing how terrible of game makers they really are.

Are we there yet?

No we are not and if you keep asking you will not get any ice-cream when we get there.

One round of little hug juice barrels on Avalon.

Dude are you okay? Jeeeezrus

I’ve played on/off since the launch in 2012, a lot of years of entertainment. On top of that, their focus is on Diablo 4 now, it was stated long time ago, that they don’t have many working on Diablo 3, cause of this…

Yes, the quicker a new season comes, the sooner it ends and all ongoing efforts for D3 can finally take their last asthmatic breath and die, slowly, with a whimper and a guffaw… until not. D4 will euthanize D3. At least eventually. Unless it sucks so much clamor occurs for the resurrection of D3 a la D2.


…there you go.

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But when on January 31st, because its till not up. Can you give us a time of day?

It tends to be in the afternoon Pacific time, but the actual hour varies.

Keep in mind that the PTR is a test environment and is shared globally, so it can be pretty unstable (test builds), and very crowded. Oh, and remember that if you copy your Live account data over, it replaces any data you have on the PTR, so be sure to do it before creating a Season character

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Would be nice, if a time could be givein in the future!

Precise times are not advisable given the nature of what occurs to make it happen. Even an official set-in-stone time for seasons to begin is, technically, not smart to provide since there are just too many unforeseeable events that happen - though, the season start is more ready than the PTR because patches and the like have already been applied, like switching from “beta” to “live release.”