I really hope my HC character didn’t just die
Same error here. East coast US if that matters.
Hey all,
I reported it up. They’re aware and checking into it.
eu servers are fine i checked
This seems to have affected only US realm. EU and Asia realms are working just fine.
Logged right in on ps4. Nothing on pc
They rarely let us know tbh.
Same issues. got kicked now can’t load hero.
fix game, thx (something characters)
if i find out this has ANYTHING to do with the cyber atttacks china/russia has being doing on america recently then i will be pissed
Thanks!! I was really not knowing what to do
They don’t all go into maintenance at the same time.
Currently the @BlizzardCS link to their maintenance article is also belly up. It isn’t just D3 that’s having issues. Some other parts of Battle.net are as well.
As far as maintenance day goes, this doesn’t doesn’t appear to be related. It’s a separate problem.
Something’s down that’s for sure. Went to log in to do some lunch time destruction! and characters won’t load.
might be server routing issue, or server outtage in US?
I blame Korthia + Maw world boss pulls. Makes the most sense right now.
Can’t log-in. Yesterday felt like game was overheating or somethin so laggy (NA)
Same, I can’t get past the “retrieving hero list”.
Especially seeing as Maintenance day is tomorrow, not today. Thanks. ^^