Are PTR servers down? Can't login. Error 3000

I was playing and found I couldn’t view profile in game. Was taking too long to load. So I exited the game and tried to log back int, but it stopped at the in game Battlenet login. So I tried logging into Battlenet in the game and got Error 3000.

Can’t find any info on the error code.

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error code 3000 is you game isn’t current update

I got the same error code, is not his game, is the server.

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No update options and there was no server count down notifying of an update like they usually do.

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I got queue’d, pos 22, 4 min left…

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Hot fix to correct “Dogde” spelling at Alter :slight_smile:

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I have a 50 min queue timer that is insane

got error coded, back to the queue 45 mins. i wanna die

Same but I got error code 3006

Queue timers again? Sounds like a server went down indeed.

H3ll yeah, 92min Que!

Oh joy, 108min que. Think I’ll call it for the day, try again tomorrow.

More likely to fix the broken mechanic with the 2-piece Shadow Mantle procing Sun Keeper on the Natalya Spike Trap build.