Are Echoing Nightmares for Non-Season Too?

I found the keys in the Bag of Fortune and played it on non-season PTR. Is this for more data collection or will they too be available on non-season?


It wasn’t available in the first place.

Best would be for the next 4 months to work on Nightmares + more balance changes and just recycle an old season theme.

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Yes, this is brand new as of today’s patch and the first time i played an Echo.

Maybe they will permanently roll this out to non-season and make season 26 theme the legendary gems socketed in armor?

That’s probably the path to highest player satisfaction without reinventing the wheel.

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I believe the intention is that the keys to access the Echoing Nightmares should only drop from guardians in seasonal GRs. That means on live, where there’s no PTR vendor making them available, you won’t have any keys to put into the Cube non-seasonal.

I guess the activity would have stayed in the first place, as an anniversary gift, but maybe you’re right and well get some thing unexpected.

i hope they do allow ENs to swap over to non-season after season 26 ends.