Arachyr test - Rank 9

today test arachyr ptr - non season - Diablo III | Witch Doctor | Arachyr Corpse Spiders | GR 134 | Rank 9 | PTR 2.7.2 "Season 25" - YouTube

TLDR: OP did unremarkable GR134 with 8000 para and 52k Int. Good effort by OP, pathetic performance of Arachyr set.

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Says non-season which implies no shards.

Would it have made a difference, and if so, by how much?

There’s a glitch right now with Shards - it’s a massive power increase but will surely be changed. so in PTR with seasonal buff WD can easily hit 150 under 2000 paragon. OP more or less proves that the Arachyr set by itself is vastly underwhelming even after all this focus.

And that GreenLobstar is correct in his statement with considering OP having 52k main stat which normal people will never reach. many players will end up less than half that.

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