Widescreen Support is coming to D2R for obvious reasons. 16:9 is simply a widespread standard in the PC industry. On top of that, monitors with even wider view are also a niche that is growing.
D2R will always prioritize PVM gameplay over PVP. This will never change, PVP will never take priority over PVM play. This means that in PVP you must deal with someone using a ultra-wide screen and thus having a potential advantage depending on build and spell etc. However, everyone can utilize ultra-wide resolutions without ultra-wide monitors. Read below.
It is currently possible to teleport and cover much more distance by using the inventory or character screen window during teleport. This is a “glitch” which has become a main staple in speed running and is one of those “glitches” that wont be “fixed” and rightfully so, its simply part of D2. This means that Widescreen monitors will allow someone to teleport as far or further without utilizing this “glitch”.
Anyone with a 16:9 screen can generate “custom resolutions” and run the desktop resolution in said mode, and then run D2R in “windowed border-less” mode to simulate any widescreen aspect ratio the user wants. This is how I played D2R during the alpha test in an aspect ratio of my choice even though I have a standard 16:9 monitor. POE works the same. No point in whining about it, get used to games supporting ultra-widescreen and users being able to have an advantage with ultra-wide screens. But as mentioned, anyone can run ultra-wide resolutions even on non ultra-wide monitors, so its up to the user if he or she wants to purchase an ultra-wide monitor or just operate a custom desktop resolution through the graphics driver.
PVP in D2R will experience changes even if just 16:9 would be possible, and users need to accept that and move on. People that love PVP can either play original D2 as we have it today or play it in D2R, and simply adapt. Wide-Screen resolutions wont be “nerfed” just to please the PVP audience at the cost of hurting the remaining 95% of the playerbase that plays PVM exclusively. End of story. Time to accept and make the best of it or play D2 original for an authentic PVP experience.