Anyone have an idea of what Season 33 will be?

Those S4 portraits and the frost hound pet is now a sign of the devoted. Anyone still in game using those has been around for a while.

Some time ago I suggested to a blue that they should repeat the S3 and S4 cosmetics with the S4 portraits being what you earn as you progress through the season journey, the frost hound as the chapter 4 reward, and the S3 pennant and portrait being Guardian level rewards… the blue thought it wasn’t a bad idea but the team never implemented it obviously.

Though it seems they unlock for anyone with access to RoS/seasons due to a bug in the coding if how I got them on this account (which was created after S3) is anything to go by.

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4th slot could be fun. I have a few ideas that would work well in that situation. Personally, I would rather have a 4th slot that I can put anything in vs. having 3 slots that can be anything. I truly believe that the 4th slot will benefit more classes, it not all of them. The 3 slots with anything is just Necromancer fap.

Tho, I would rather the next season be crucibles. I want to shoot those magic missiles all over the place. I did LoD last time, so I will do DMO next time. I want to make a Wizard for each damage type too just for fun. If DMO is the free set, then all the better. One could only hope.

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We need a season of Non-Season. Start with 4000 paragon (which doesn’t transfer back to your actual NS balance at season’s end…) a huge stash of mats, DB’s, FS’s, whispers of atonement, gems, ramas, levelled up legendary gems and a mix of primals and well rolled ancients for all builds for at least two classes.

With the Altar and Visions, would this be too OP? As a thought experiment, where would it rank among seasons in terms of power?

Yep. The completionist in me will forever be bothered by the S4 rewards. lol


I also think that is all of the themes we are going to get. And 1,5 year cycle is enough to not feel too left out if you miss it but create excitement.

How was the kill streak at the time? That season was my first time playing since like end of 2017 so I was mostly just getting back into how the game works and only got to about 600 paragon so I have no idea how much of an impact it really had. Didn’t notice that much for speeds but I could be wrong, like I said was getting back into the game, and I was also playing a build I never tried before.

I suppose the ranking would depend on how much you normally play. If you normally get to like 3 000 a season like that would feel weak and kind of pointless since you would get tons of mats as well on the way there. I think even for someone like me who reaches about 2 000-2 200 it would feel weak.

I think it would be similar to season 29. There would be no reason to farm paragon so you would just play whatever speed build you are in the mood for to grind visions/GR90’s with the odd bit of GoD/Nova/Meteor for gem levels. Theoretically a season like that can lead to trying pushes with more builds though.


The altar won’t be changing outside of bugfixes. It was watered down to be a “one size fits all” power boost so no matter what the seasonal theme it wouldn’t be too much power in and of itself.


It was OK… the effects got progressively more powerful and it definitely encouraged grouping enemies so when each killstreak milestone was reached, you would do the most damage possible. From memory, the only issue was when you got up to the RG and couldn’t progress the killstreak.

From that point of view, the Tempest theme was more RG friendly since it was on a timer… but damn those effects were painful on the eyes compared to killstreak.

It’ll be interesting to see if 150 can be reached with Altar and Killstreak. Personally, I’d like to see the free RORG and also the capped paragons with Killstreak. Would make a more compelling theme.

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Funniest part of kill streak was to get the proper Diablo spawned at 1000 kills. It was even a little challenging for my farm builds.

I remember getting at least 6 levels higher with the effects. But it was a little boring when your own dmg is pretty low and you get almost nothing killed except with the effects - but nice when finally getting it going. I played crusader holy shotgun, and Vesalius took ~15 minutes to kill at highest levels with stricken / solo.

The “Working as intended” effect theme I don’t want to see ever again. Skipped most of the season then and will likely skip the whole season if it comes again.

I personally had no problem with the effects but man, they were hated on the forums.

But as a theme… I would like to play with it now that I play better with timings but it was also a theme that felt pretty pointless for everything other than pushing if I remember correctly. Like it didn’t improve speeds because of how it is a short damage boost every now and then right?

I find it rather funny people haven’t caught on yet, they don’t WANT you playing this game anymore. Because they decided (stupidly) to tie this game to their data pipes and servers, every single person playing this game now in their view is costing them money.

Their goal from this point on is going to be picking increasingly worse season themes, likely moving to 6 month seasons, and I wouldn’t be surprised if they’ve already picked a date a year or two from now to turn the servers off entirely.

A cost easily covered by their flagship games, and enough more to be a billion dollar a year juggernaut.

WC2BNE and D1 would like a word with you.


Understand that most people that play seasons don’t play non season. The seasons at this point is the only thing keeping this game going.

I have one account that has every reward. There is another account in the family that has only 25% of that. How long you think it take to get them?

The only way that would happen is if they gave you 2 things after the 4 chapters. Two things after the season journey. That will never happen. Plus it might take you maybe 6 to 8yrs to do that too. That is like 24 seasons too.

Somebody pointed out that it will take 1.5 yrs to got through those seasons. But somebody else point out you can do what 10 to 11 seasons. So if you do only 10 that would take you 2.5 yrs.

Sounds quite fair to me. You say that you have every reward in the game on your main account. That must have taken you substantially more than two and a half years of faithful and dedicated playing.

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Yes the Davey account has been here from Day 1. That account has played most every season too. There were some seasons I didn’t do the season journey because I have those rewards already.

I play the game to see what I can get. I don’t play the game for the for the buffs, leader board or paragon.

The one thing they could do to help people out on the rewards. Is do the season or add it to a season. The little Gift boxes that were in the Vault.

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That’s funny, because when I think of this game and company most of what comes to mind is Bobby “Big Bucks”…

Gross… I own probably 3 copies of each in the original version and played them both for a good 10 years and neither have ever touched battlenet, so maybe that isn’t the best example?

Why would anybody play NS when you got movement speed cut by 30% and damage as well? It’s nothing but a loot graveyard at this point.

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1st of all you only get a 10% boost in speed with the altar. You base speed is 25%.

On the NS there is still a lot people that play it. If you play HC 99% of the people only it for the seasons. I have played with people in NS that have like over 17,000 on paragon.

The USA server it basically dead VS the Europe server. I played the Europe server this season just to try it out.

Shades + 4th slot can be fun, many combo ideas for that 4th slot. Won’t just be season of the Necromancer. However, I was really looking forward to the Crucibles. Maybe that will be the season after Shades + 4th slot.


Which is the purpose of for-profit business, so more expected than funny.

My example wasn’t about what you’ve done in the past. It was a response to your D3 server shutdown prediction.


Yeah but think of all the NS players who would now play a season!