Anyone have 10,000 hours on a single class yet?

Just wondering if anyone has 10,000 hours on one class yet showing on their profile page in game. I broke 10k hours a few years ago on crusader and my profile glitched and blizzard insists it isn’t a bug and that it’s not reproduceable or affecting anyone else so they haven’t fixed my profile hours played on crusader even though I opened several tickets with support about it (each spaced a good 6 months apart or more) as well as posted about it on the bug reports forum but since they say it’s isolated to just me and cant be reproduced that it isnt a bug, and theres nothing else they can do… So ya, anyone else broke 10k hours played on a single class yet besides me? If so can you take screenshots of your heros that have the hours played and your main profile hours played for that class showing that the totals for the characters when added up = more thank 10k but not on the main hours played per class profile page and send them to support in a ticket as well as post in bug forum about it so we can get this addressed? Would really appreciate it. I know I cant be the only person with 10k hours played on 1 class, I mean I broke 10k like 2-3 years ago and I dont play nearly as much as I did 3-6 years ago by far … like less than 5 % of what I used to play per month maybe less than 1 %…



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Did you ever hear of paragraphs to break up this wall of text ?


It actually hurts my eyes to attempt to read that wall of text!

I noticed a few days ago that my main DH I have played from launch has had her hours played changed down to almost nothing .I mean I do not play her much any more but at one point I was closing in on 13k hours total played with all my chars across the account and not it is almost nothing .

Not sure what Blizard did but ya they did change the hours played for what ever reason .

Paragraphs? It’s like 6-7 sentences. Granted 2 of them are run-on sentences, but seriously?.. What, did you want me to make a new paragraph every other sentence or something?.. :confused:

Agmo - can you post some screenshots? Like from your hero pages where it shows how many hours on the selected hero, then take a screenshot hovering over total hours played for dh on your main profile screen?


a buddy of mine i added back a few years ago had at the time 9k+ hours on his DH as its the only class that he plays. now his profile says he has a mere couple hundred hours… whatever they did really screwed with the playtime tracker


fyi the average paragraph is 4ish sentences/lines. hes at 14 lines.

I’ve seen worse. I’d much rather read this than a certain post on the old forums. It was so wild it’s gonna sound made up but it’s not and I remember it well for that reason.

The guy had every sentence on a new line, multiple lines between each paragraph, a period with multiple new lines both before and after each quotebox, and so much total text done up this way that it went on for like 10 screens worth of scrolling.

In any case, OP, it sounds like your issue is legit and standard so that’s unfortunate. I’d hope for Blizz to help you but if they honestly don’t have the data then they honestly can’t.

Thanks, the thing is I think its a really simple issue for them to fix just having to do with the amount of number place holders in the GUI code on the profile page. However, they wouldn’t even address the issue on bug forum or a support ticket because it needs to be reproducible to be a bug and have them address it, or affecting multiple people and have them individually each open support tickets and reference the others’ tickets, etc. So if anyone can show screens as I have from in-game on your heroes page with heroes selected showing their total hours played that equal more than the total shown on your “general profile” “total hours played per class” page screen, they will have to address this.

Again, thanks for the replies!

Just wanted to include the screenshots here so it’s easy to see exactly what I mean…

SMething happened to me, and i know the cause…i have MISSING era’s and timelines from 2014 till 2016 on my profile…that is just randomly gone from my gaming career in diablo…im not the only o e this happened like almost 2 uears ago now.

I remember they did some error in a patch bunch of people got samething as me…and some where fixed some were not…and i did have over 3.5k hrs on DH…after that removal of the eras i lost allot of time across all toons. Oddly enough i still have all my achievements from 2014 and all the missing eras…whatever not like anyone cares so i never reported it…idk, as long as i can play and i have all my CE stuff and P2W goodies…idk honestly.

I have seen several posts about this kind of error on the old forum.

Really? You necroed a 3 year old thread without adding anything meaningful?

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Sorry, mixed up topics. This is for there.

I think there is a bug on how long you have played a toons in D3. My monk was the first toon I played since D3 launched in 2013 and at around 8 K hours , it reset to 0 hours

I really wonder how the OP plays with at least 11k hours played and paragon 1731 reached, unless he played the vast majority before RoS. Oh, wait, he couldn’t as most of his playtime is on Crusader. Wonder even more now.

He must have been playing PVP all these years and not earned that many paragons … A very thrifty D3 player

OP posted 3 years ago and said that he broke 10k hours 2-3 years before that, so 1.7k Paragon is quite reasonable that long ago. T16 didn’t exist and GR 120 was a pipe dream.
Did T10 even exist that long ago?