Any word on lobbys?

Are you guys at least supporting Keyboard & Mouse on Console? It seems like it would be very easy to add lobby support across all platforms if you do. Especially considering it’s going to be next to impossible to organize trade games, or do basic XP / & late game runs without it.

Anyone who played on PC knew this inside and out, & easily remembers spamming (Trist xx) from levels 1 to 15, Tombs XX, from 15 to 20, doing Ancients at 24 & then Baal 25 to 50 on norm, before getting rushed through Nightmare (and often hell) and doing Chaos runs until 75 when they could start on Hell Baal runs.

I remember literally being in the top 100 during 1.09 & 1.10 on the Assassin Ladders for USWest, only a few positions behind Chosen_Tecstasy who was number 1 for most of it, and Chosen_Rylix who dominated the Amazon ladder.


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