Any ETA on Blizz switching back to old forums?

Hate the new forums, absolutely terrible design.


ETA on that is… not Soon™


Never. Most (if not all the other Blizzard forums) have switched to this format. They will not be going back to the old one.


Pretty sure the legacy games are the only ones not migrated yet.

I personally :heart: the new forums. I post from my :phone: so the endless scrolling is very nice. :heavy_plus_sign: we have :grinning: we can use now. I think they are a win. :+1:

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my son asked me what this was: :smiling_imp:. I told him I didn’t know. He then goes on to tell me it’s an emoji… he’s only 4 and a half. He knows more about this stuff than I do.

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Emojis are :heart: emojis are life. :fire::japanese_ogre::muscle:.

This is sad, perhaps Blizz wanted to make the forums look more like twitter…Tweetablo

“Don’t you have phones???”

way better on mobile now

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Ya, I remember when I used to be able to read the forums. Now I have to use a Rosetta Stone to translate everything before I can read it.

Circle of life for the written word:
characters to represent an entire word
letters to represent a sound
now, back to hieroglyphs with emoji’s


There is an ETA: it’s never. All of the Blizzard forums have adopted this, and it’s not going away.

Semi-related: god I miss the downvote. Not to imply I would have downloaded anything here, I just miss it.

Nope. This is what we have going forward. If you have constructive feedback about changes you’d like to see, you can post those in a constructive, polite manner should you so wish.