Announced D2R changes - logical inconsistencies

I mean I completely agree with everything in your post. Maybe change the title though so people take it more seriously.

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Is it official they only gonna have 1 personal tab though? Maybe they gonna make it so we get more personal tabs by beating each difficulty?

You also forgot some important points:

  1. I cannot kill immune monsters!
  2. I need a free respec per 10 sec.
  3. Why auto-gold pick up does not cover whole screen?
  4. Stop make me leave gems on the ground. You must add infinity stack for gems/runes.
  5. Microtransactions to defeat all that jobless poor noobs.
  6. Auction house!
  7. There is no modern game with shared loot should exists!
  8. Set high runes drop chance equal to tp scroll drop chance. I have a wife and 7 kids so I deserve 10 ber per day.
  9. Why I have to watch all the drop? Where is the loot filter?
  10. Melee AOE.

You forgot the most important one.

  1. Donā€™t touch my game with your changes! Go to D4 instead!

The title of the thread is D2 change blunders.

I appreciate your candor, but thatā€™s a miss.

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Why are you all assuming, that you have one character limit for all modes? The devs have never talked about character limits, have they? Or have I missed something?

So you are right, it is 18 characters now. But I think, thatā€™s not how it should be solved in D2R with shared stashes. There should be a smaller limit (like 8 or 10) per game mode. Otherwise, people who only play one mode have more characters with shared stashes and hence more stash space than people, who play multiple modes.

I would be surprised, if the devs decided one global character limit with this stash system.

Well, it is wrong to assume it, in the sense, that we simply donā€™t knowā€¦ There are no technical restrictions to it and we now have a shared stash, such that the character limit now has a completely different meaning, right?

So I would be very surprised to see them just taking the same char cap, just because it was like that in D2, where it had a different meaning.

Simple devs, add tabs in the home screen for NL, Ladder, HC, ect to separate all the modes.
Better yet, let the players categorize their own toons!

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Updated title, might be more accurate now.

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For me the only logical inconsistency is the promise of keeping the game true to the original and listening to the community while releasing a dude amazon and totally new asian assassinā€¦

It is like you have two separate teams, one identifying white pixels as garlic and the other not doing their homework of checking how the characters looked likeā€¦


Gotta fill those diversity and inclusion metrics in your games or the woke mob will say your company is racist.


I am still hoping that they will do something about itā€¦ The faces and bodies of the Classes are currently nothing alike with the original D2 versions nor with the Lore that was built throughout the decades by the booksā€¦ I mean we read about sorceress training their bodies on daily basis so they can handle hand to hand combat and sending their young and most beautiful ones on missions so they can represent their order while we see a sorc class in D2R that is 50 years old and hasnt moved from the couch for the last decade.
P.S. In D2 we got a red haired fit celtic 20 year old woman and in D2R we got a brunette Indian 50 year old woman that hasnt seen any training for years.


Wellā€¦ the game is 21 years old, she aged? :rofl:

I wanted them to keep my Paladin as Arab, but instead they made him a Black character.

Whereā€™s the Middle Eastern representation?


The sorceress is supposed to be Egyptian-inspiredā€¦



for ā€œonly childsā€ who never did well at piƱatasā€¦


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Exactlyā€¦ Im not a game developer so I hope it is not a massive effort to remake the models. Otherwise let us just wait for the MODs yea

Thatā€™s nonsense. He was always black. Deal with it.

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No he wasnā€™t. Look to the original art - he definitely looked Arab.

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so you(OP) would rather have a mule?
why dont you mule them with their own inventory, instead stash.

nothing didnt irritate me more as finding the coolest weapon for a class i cant transfer. i played single player.

shared stash +1!!!
stop being so spoiled.