Angels get one shot by RG

If they stay alive, they are still really strong on Rift Guardians (don’t one shot, but still an 8 second RG kill), especially if there’s no adds to distract them. Here’s a small snippet out of a GR 140 my team did last night:


Well… I can see the logic on RG. But what about angels during the rift? The 400 stacks shooting stars is way more powerful than angels at 500 stacks. They come down and get killed by trash very easily. Making all the way from 400 to 500 but only to see them die to trash is so sad. Maybe at least let them survive better during the rift?

In the current state, getting 500 stacks for angels during the rift seems very useless.

For me personally, I’m more interested in the speed and power boost from the stacks than the actual effects for most of the tiers. A handful are nice in certain situations though. Never really noticed any earth shattering effect from the angels myself.
(Geyser oneshot, skip to ~10:00)

Well aimed Geysers are actually much more broken. Geysers literally oneshot anything (150 kills), even RGs.
Clump up enemies, kill weaker ones to stack up, position yourself under targets you wanna see being oneshot, reach the 150, enjoy.
Twisters are also actually pretty strong (also spawning on player position. After moving outwards, they are still strong but especially that spawning moment all on 1 spot is again +/- another oneshot effect).

Meteors though are nice due to the possibility to carry the ongoing effect with you.

Okay but it’s all in context. It took him an extra 4 minutes just to kill the 3 mobs for the Geysers. Also risky as that Boss could have jumped somewhere else.

Geysers do 200,000% conduit damage instantly and can stack. Angels do about 20,000% per hit, but they follow with you and last nearly 30 seconds so they’re basically a guaranteed Guardian kill within >10 seconds if you get them all to survive.

So had said player been stacking to angels, they would have cleared Guardian in about 10 seconds rather than wasting all that time WWing trash to kill. Or better yet, gotten Hamelin, insta pop and dead.

I’m not disagreeing on Geysers power, I had said in PTR Geysers needed to be toned down, but all they did was move them to 150 instead of being reset spammed at 30 and toned angels down. I’m just saying they both have their advantageous situations. The answer isn’t always going to be Geysers and visa versa.

Honestly they’re all pretty damn OP. Meteors and Treasure chests can absolutely murder hordes of elite packs, giving you just as much time progressed as a quick RG kill.

And they do spawn below randomly chosen alive enemies. Considering Ground Stomp @boss position, you can pretty much force them to stack all together on that position.

Angels are also only guaranteed RG kill <10sec. if you spawn them seconds before the RG himself. Else they will simply be one- or twoshot targets for trash enemies.

Due to being triggered on kill, you might gonna have to switch position quick to get enough enemies for the last few % to spawn the RG, meanwhile they idle somewhere several screen lengths behind you, doing nothing but dying to ranged projectile and/or affix damage once they almost arrive at your newly stacked enemies - even before being able to hit these enemies.

Both seasonal powers got their up- and downsides. It’s much easier though to prepare almost 150 stacks pre RG spawning for the possibility of an add-boss, than preparing 500 stacks for at maximum a couple of few seconds right before the RG spawns (but then this going to be a 100% safe kill on any RG).

No matter what we end up with, from start to end it is pretty much one big abusage fiesta.