Angelic, Demonic and Ancestral stats are a bad design choice

there will somewhere be a cap of requirements, so lets say, the cap is 100 points

lightning damage (100 ancestral)
crushing blow (100 ancestral)
leap (100 ancestral)

fire damage (100 demonic)
bleed (100 demonic)
cleave (100 demonic)

ice (100 angelic)
cooldown (100 angelic)
blizzard (100 angelic)

if you are to choose 3 for your build
if you go for ice, cooldown and blizzard, you will very soon have stacked 100 angelic points and your build is done
if you want to go for ice, cleave and bleed, you will need 100 angelic and 100 demonic, this will take some more time to farm the right items
if you want to go ice, cleave, crushing blow, you will have to get 100 points in every power and that will be a hell to find the perfect items, to get the balance of the points + those affixes

Are we absolutely positively certain that there wont be a higher prerequisite? Sounds to me like scenario C is potentially going to be stronger, for versatility. It should then make sense that it takes longer to discover all the pieces to that puzzle in order to complete that build.

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you have a point

or simply wich class you choose, enough for me, those classes defined themselves already for you, much better in an aRPG.


again, i prefere just choosing a class and a build to define myself in Diablo.

its not necessarily stonger, just because you want to combine your crushing blow with an other element and an other attack skill its a matter of taste that throws you in farming hell because of the power pool

about the question, if 100/100/100 is stronger than 300/0/0 from the passive stats, i cant tell
it really depends on your build and diminishing returns
maybe you just want to build an archer that deals crits, so you wont need any buffs or debuffs, you will not so much extract advantages from angelic and demonic power in the C scenario

Wasn’t the assumption that scenario A required 300 points? Meaning you had 0 points in the rest. And that demonic, ancestral, and angelic will have different tiers amongst themselves, assuming higher values in each?

So 300 points for Fire would be like +50% where as 100 points would be 10%

Why would you go scenario C if you didn’t want to utilize what scenario C provides as opposed to what scenario a, b, or any of the other possible combinations that will likely be capable of happening with this system and how is this fundamentally flawed in terms of character customization/choice?

It’s not a guarantee that it would be. My fear is that in order to complete content, be able to effectively ladder race, or pvp, you will have to focus on 1 category solely. Meaning your fire build, will always go cleave and bleed because the rest just flat out doesn’t compete.

Kinda like how in early D2, firebolt or icebolt was garbage. Wasn’t used.

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Scenario A was, given there being a reason to focus only on one power, likely because some affix would have a prerequisite of 300 in order to use associated affix. Okay, but if I am sacrificing potentially unlocking dozens? of affix for a mere 40% gain - that seems rather unlikely to outweigh even 10% across the board in addition to the base power associated with the other two.

That’s also an assumption at this point. In the start of vanilla D3, if it didn’t have IAS on it, it was trashed. How has main stat worked out in d3?

Right I understand that scenario C is hideous to you if it is not quite on par with scenario A prior to fine tuning and endearing the unfeasible fine tuning stages. What I don’t understand is how this will ever not be the case considering players, especially in pvp, will figure out what is best. It is entirely situational, and so in my opinion, not fundamentally flawed.

There is no need to reiterate this. I can’t speak on or for D3. It was very short lived for me.

but thats most likely not the case
as i said, there will be a cap and as soon as you reached this cap to unlock the skill of 1 power, you can actually just keep stacking it for the passive, or try to unlock other pools

That’s my point. They can’t even balance it without having affixes grouped up like this. What are the odds they get it right with all of these extra layers of stuff to balance? I made 40+ characters in d2, I didn’t care if they weren’t optimal, I made a windforce fanat vigor paladin for gods sake. My fear again is, that affixes are locked together in bundles that really hurt the diversity, all because they can’t balance for didley squat.

“Known knowns, known unknowns, unknown unknowns” - Donald Rumsfeld

It is hard to debate hypothetically when personal facts deteriorate the substance. Instead of assuming It is not the case, consider both, and then establish the criteria for what makes the system fundamentally flawed.

Sounds more like a jab at the competency of the blizzard balance team (whom by the way is not the same team as from previous diablo installments as far as I’m aware?) more than expounding the fundamental flaw in enabling a player to pick and choose by basis of their style of play.

it just makes no sence, to have affixes that need you to focus solely on 1 power to reach like 300 points
that would eventually lock you and exclude possible builds from the game
so i can JUST ASSUME, that they know that xD

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It partly is, but this would apply to all games. Every single game, especially ARPGS, have balance issues. GrimDawn, PoE, torchlight, D2, all had the same problems. It’s just a question of how bad it was and at what time.

Choosing is looking at the character selection screen, and going what do I want to make. Do I want to make a melee sorc who uses a 2handed axe that lands crushing blows enchanted with fire, or Do I make something else? Items are an extension of that and should be more open to let the player synergize talents, skills, D3 runes?, and items. Not lock affixes behind arbitrary stats, which are ironically more confusing, and far more complex than strength, dex, int, or energy ever was. People will be flooding to websites to see what powers control what affixes.

I’m not sure how to tell you this but by initial class selection you’re restricting viable builds. By the very nature of class based rpgs. It is not Ultima Online, which is not class based and uses skills only, and your selection of skills determines what “class” you are. It is not Albion Online, which essentially makes it so that what items you pick determine what “class” you are. Normally you have a build in mind before you select what class you want to play, and then you go from there. “But I want to be a barbarian known for physical indomitableness that can also wield the magic of sorcery”
There very may well be an item for that. Here, use this teleport ring that has charges.
Still not understanding where the disconnect is. Other than you want to have your cake to eat, while having already ate it.
Did they make the cheesecake so incredibly appealing that you didn’t even taste its deliciousness when you swallowed it whole? Sounds like a self control issue… :wink:

I agree that balance is a delicate, very sensitive thing. I don’t agree that if I want to ‘stand out’ as opposed to ‘fit in’ that my unorthodox wizard build should be able to swing an axe as well as a barbarian can.

no you get if fully wrong
i do appreciate the archetypes in arpgs
but that doesnt have to do anything with, not being allowed to play a cleave barbar, that deals cold damage instead of fire damage
it has nothing to do with “picking a class and accepting the consequences”
its simply a system, that puts all different affixes, which have nothing to do with character classes, into 3 pools, completely random
so some combinations are easy to achieve and some are hard to achieve

I suppose it is possible that they let RNG go uncalibrated and just randomly start assigning this affix to powers.


Time will tell eh?