Ancient Tasker & Theo -50 ias

Currently sea 20 wiz main with a full wardrobe
This is for the lod mamm hydra

Stoked but disappointed-

  • 988 int
  • 998 vit
  • 5.0 att spd
  • 11960 lph
  • 185 phys res
  • Ias pet 50


  1. Leave stats and roll the vit to chc
  2. 11.9 lph to chc-> int vit 10 chc 5 spd
  3. Take near perf lph roll 5att spd -> 10 chc
  4. Reroll att spd for breakpoint 5att -> 7att
  5. Shard it and use the cube arm slot

I also am using a typhons farming gear set in armory so it’s easier to share couple items like squirts and boots. Running 2.01 att bp for both or 1.9 for avarice/ hoarder

Any suggestions or feedback is appreciated

-side note
I rolled off almost all the vit on my gear so I’m trying to keep a couple of pieces that have natural rolled nice numbers

Current gr status-
stuck at 113 tried almost every item, skill and gem combo. 3- 3.4 dps and 55-60 arm

Wishful thinking-
WTB- Ramaladni cube for ammy, ring
WTB- second line of mystic item enchant -> Req. 10x mats or similar cost
-Want to buy- MORE item equip slots for merc for expanded synergy options for solo play
For example basics like HELM- / CHEST- for my buddy

Thanks for checking out my post-

Keep the vit, roll off the lph.

lph does very little in a wizard shielding build. If your shields are up (they should be most of the time), you don’t need lph. Keep the vit, it makes your shields bigger.

lph to CHC would be my vote.

That being said, you’re still missing a crit roll on those gloves, so they aren’t really ideal. I’d still be looking for better ones.