All Class Sets Ranked by Real Clears

Who is holding a pitchfork? And who is frustrated? :grey_question:

Every time I mention that developers have standards about a build’s power level; be it the effort a build requires for minimal maintenance and desynchronized calculations pointing at the old engine, people call me a troll.
Compare their deep knowledge of the game with the hours they spent and going competitive over it. Shortly; people brag about their own knowledge just to complain about patch notes, being ignorant to practical side of things and blame developers of not playing their own game before even trying PTR. Every time.

Developer team is around 10 or more people, they don’t see what a mere player see. They have their own statistics and measurements about it in a scientific fashion. Also they are well aware why a build will not be promoted for mass player base.
When I try to describe it people going defensive over their favorite build just to insult me and I tell them just because it’s their favorite build, it doesn’t NEED to get buffed. This always backfires even though my intentions are not to flame or insult anyone’s knowledge. Game engine has limits and developers has to have standards which seemingly doesn’t fit yours.

Current table looks fine to me, and I’m sure someone somewhere will try to take my opinion as a fact and try to debate this. Hence why I said “put down your pitchforks”. If your favorite build is down that line, it will be up there when more elements can be incorporated into it (which allows it to take more risks where game can reward you) but there are limitations to it as well.

Just ignore him, man. There are much better ways of spending your time.

So a few things to point out on the “130 at 5k” benchmark. This was intended for the average player and pre-follower buff. Not to mention builds have continued to get stronger over time. So at a minimum taking into account the follower buff, a 133 at 5k average would be the new benchmark. Then take into account any power creep since blizzard said 130 at 5k. When the new era/season hits most builds will be boosted as well from the adjusted GR map spawn rates. IMO a new benchmark of 135 at 5k might be more realistic for the average player that pushes. Obviously players that don’t understand what pushing is or only speed farm don’t apply to this metric.

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All good points, Chris, though it kind of calls into question the value of a benchmark. I mean, if your benchmark is going to change quite frequently, does it really have value? Can you even call it a benchmark?

IMO 5k at 130 should no longer be used. It’s garbage!!!


Yeah, I’m agreeing with you, if that wasn’t clear.


You were clear. For reference in era 12 I did 131@4247 without stomp or spear. Not sure if that can even be considered a real push. There were many clears in the 133 range with sub 4k paragon that era. Back then 130 at 5k was a realistic for the average player.

Also of interest: here are, to the best of my knowledge, ALL the current builds that have cleared 150 in a non-seasonal setting (including season 23), at any level of paragon, and the lowest paragon level to do so.

Inna Monk (Fire) (5247) *getting nerfed in 2.7.3
Twister Wizard (7127)
LoD WoL Monk (8433)
Marauder DH (8586)
Corpse Explosion LoD Nec (9604)
Arachyr WD (9649)
WW/Rend Wastes Barb (10132)
EB Firebird Wiz (10789)
Akkhan Bomb Crusader (11415) *getting nerfed in 2.7.3
Raekor HOTA Barb (11888) *ceases to exist in 2.7.3
LoD HOTA Barb (11892)
Rathma Necro (14339)
IK HOTA Barb (18610)
Zuni WD Poison Dart (19357)

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I’ll never be satisfied until Static Charge and Lod LTK Monk builds are competitive again.

I really loved both those builds. Or, well, actually, I played a lot more Sunwuko LTK back when it was harder to manage your Wind stacks and it was a touch weaker than LoN.

Static Charge was a great build with an interesting playstyle. I’ve never really understood why they nerfed it as hard as they did. It wouldn’t have been hard to just tune it down a little. Or hell, just doing nothing would have been fine. There was a ton of power creep around that time, and that build would probably not have been OP even one season later.


A couple more additions to the 150 club:

AoV Crusader (16224)
Typhon Hydra (19386)

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Hey, I have a plan, and was wondering if you wanted to help.

I’m going to be recording clear data for every class set (and no set) at the end of each week of the season. That’ll let us get a good look at how the clear numbers change as the season progresses and the paragon goes up.

The spreadsheet is ready to go: Weekly adjusted clears of all sets - Google Sheets

Now that Maxroll can present that info, it’s a relatively simple job, but some help with entering the data would be much appreciated. You interested?

Also, are you on Reddit?

Hi Rage, yes I’m on Reddit: dmkt1267

Will look for your message.

Is there a legend for the tabs/formula in spreadsheet? e.g. say a short description.

May I suggest a perma-link, between spreadsheet to perhaps a preferred thread/post w descriptions and explanations. Cheers.

You mean like a description of how the Paragon Adjustment and Time Adjustment columns are calculated? I think the other columns are fairly self-explanatory.

You up for data entry tomorrow?

Ready to do it. I will see if i can improve the formatting too.

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Yes. Like a descriptive phrase, or explanatory rationale per tab heading.

-edited 24may22-
Right, you added/or updated or I spotted the link. It’s much sensible now with link to - Tracking Season 26 clears, week by week (updated week 17) - #16 by Rage-13139. Kudos

I actually later on wrote a more involved breakdown of the process (and answered some other questions about this project as well):


A worthy long read of Q&A format, to be copy/pasted in this thread! gg

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