Addressing the WSG

If they are fixing WSG, pvp is going to suck real bad. But I guess the real problem is not that we have to use WSG, but that there are other balance issues that make us have to use WSG or the game would be unplayable. Those would be a few of the issues that necessitate the use of WSG, but I am not going to spend too much time on all those:
-D/A/E on amazons are very slow and buggy. They were only somewhat a boon in pvp because of WSG, and because they can’t rely on Enigma because of casting frames. They are mostly not used in pvm (like ppl don’t use valkyrie just because they have to put points in D/A/E as the prerequisites, and valkyrie is very good in pvm as well), because they disrupt your attacks a lot in pvm and they get you stuck/killed more than they actually help you. A way to fix it may be to make the D/A/E frames faster and make it so that zons don’t get interrupted mid-move every time D/A/E is activated, just to give an example
-stunlocks are just completely gayass OP. It’s not difficult to see. BTW Mind Blast would also be OP for pvm. People don’t really know about it because it’s a non-dps skill and it’s used as a utility skill. But anyway you basically use it to get out of situations you have no business getting out of, and it puts entire crowds at a standstill with just a single mouseclick, creates a bunch of secondary tanks with temporarily converted minions, etc

Those sorts of issues should be addressed if WSG were to be fixed. There’s probably several other issues surrounding this so people should list them here. I’m in this game mostly for the pvp but I don’t know what the pvp scene would look like if there was no WSG.

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The ability to get out stun (WSG) being removed in D2R is indeed a disaster for competitive pvp.

More than that, stun will be even more overpowered for this reason :

:warning: uninterruptible skills are no longer uninterruptible :warning:

additional things that are broken/different from legacy.

Skills that were once “uninterruptible” are no longer uninterruptible.

Charge, Leap, Whirlwind, Smite, Concentrate.

These skills used to be able to be used regardless of being in hit recovery animation, and now they cannot be used until your character finishes being stunned…

Aside from wsg not being fixed, the only “alternatives” for some characters to escape massive stuns were these skills, that no longer work.

In D2 LOD, if you get stunned in pvp, you can :

  • use WSG (by swithing between weapon slot 1 and slot2) to cancel fhr and get out of stuns.
  • get out of stuns by using skills that can’t be interrupted by stuns like (Leap, charge, whirlwind, smite etc.)

In D2R, none of that. You will be stunned forever until you die.

Review here: DHA Review [Beta] - Report Bugs/Issues


hence why they should simply nerf stun in pvp (much like life leech is nerfed in pvp)
AND have it have diminishing returns as well.

relying on spamming the W key like a madman to go out of stun is clunky at best. (and look pretty bad as well )

also i read posts of player saying “how can i beat duriel without WSG?!!” here , made me laugh considering the guy was seriously not able to beat duriel without it in beta, it tells a lot about many that don’t even pvm in the first place :stuck_out_tongue:


Yes competitive will suck for awhile, but they fixed a glitch that prevents any forward movement.

if they add it at start then everyone will rely on it for balancing rather than the devs who are new the game and will be watching it more closely than the older teams.

If they remove it opens the doors for balancing and other things that the original D2 didn’t have because everyone only wanted the glitch

and before anyone gets butt hurt, yes the weapon switch was supposed to cancel animation of you’re action but not be a get out of jail free card if impaired. And for anyone concerned about the game. its intent of use is not PvP so if they don’t balance that then you might want to see about moving games or to mods that do the same thing graphic wise that the remaster does but balances the PvP in the Og D2

I would much prefer a good, well-designed solution for the stun-lock problem, over a rushed decision to put WSG back into the game. There is a fair chance that this will get adressed in one of the future patches.

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A point a lot of people are missing is that wsg’ing of fhr is fun! It’s one of the things that makes d2 pvp so fun and addicting. It’s not as simple as pressure w a couple times and escaping anything. It’s a skill that needs to be developed and its challenging to get out of hard stun. Many times you die anyway but it gives you a fighting chance. Maybe rebalancing pvp to nerf stuns could work but we love the way it is! It makes sense that taking damage stuns you but if you can react quick enough with wsg you have a chance to break the stun before you die. I feel like simply nerfing stuns would take a lot of the skill and depth out of pvp gameplay

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The issue is it became the only “solution” to balancing. Instead of letting devs do their job and what not players abused a glitch to balance for them. I wouldn’t say it took to great of skill to use or preform. anyone who took a day to learn it could do it decently timed. Not to mention most people i saw just spammed it to prevent it anyways rather than making it look like skill.

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Judging from that response I can you dont pvp (or dont pvp with anyone good) and that’s fine, there are many ways to enjoy d2. But please kindly refrain from arguing passionately about pvp mechanics if you have no skin in the game.

just make skills that stun having a chance to proc the stun (like 25%) instead of 100% vs players.

That would not nothing. 25% would still be too high, yet if the character trying to stun wasn’t able to if would defeat the purpose of the stun skill. The answer is in fact simple. Don’t fix what works. Changing the game isn’t the answer. Every small change distances D2R from d2lod.

For the people saying it’s a bug and it’s not meant to be there.

The game is 20 years old. It is a part of the game.

My optimism lay in the fact I’ve played this for 20 straight years actively pvping and I know when the casuals fade away it might get addressed.

wsg needs removed for actual balancing to take place… not to mention VV has said they are not dropping and abandoning the game to time. So except balacning and changes for awhile… WSG can’t be in the game if we are to move forward. SO if PvP has to take a hit then by god deal with it for awhile.

also trying to say its part of the game now is only due to the fact blizzard attempted to fix it years ago and the community out raged to force them to undo.

A glitch is still glitch no matter what. ITs fixed now so deal.

I don’t really expect that the pvps in the remaster would look anything like pvps in the original, just because minor changes can already cause a huge impact on the game, nevermind wsg. The thing is without wsg there won’t even be BM pvp. GM pvp can apparently balance anything! But there won’t be anything but asns in BM.

Tf is up w/ this forum sheesh, you can only reply 1 person at a time, can only post 3 threads a day, but just for fun, to get a point across, since it’s hard to say whether they are actually going to add more patches. Had like a couple more to post lol