Activision-Blizzard Conference Call is today

The quartly report is from dates before any or most lockdowns/shelter-in-place orders.

In the US perhaps. Been in lockdown since mid March.

Yeah, that is my guess as well.

I wouldn’t mind something more engaging than TextTwist 2 on my tablet while I’m sitting in the loo waiting on the inevitable. And by more engaging I mean anything other than that pay to win schlep called Hearthstone. As much as I hate to say it, D:I would at least be a decent way to pass the time while I’m passing…the time.

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Its funny, I actually logged into that for the first time in over a year the other day.

What the hell happened to that game? lol

I enjoyed it back in Beta, and for a while after, but then it started getting nuts. And I stopped. And I had to log in to remember why I stopped.


Game on.

What happened to HS was it became such a grind that the only viable way to play and rank anywhere decent on a leaderboard without making it an all consuming job was to buy packs and disenchant them to make epic cards. It is one of the models from Blizzard I truly despise.

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Ah well. I never got that hardcore into it. I just enjoyed playing it as a relaxing thing. But ranked sucked for the most part. Either was piss easy to win or (more cases than not) frustratingly easy to lose. Like the other player was literally trolling you.

I earned a few of the early card backs a few seasons, but like you said, it got to be a grind and wasn’t fun.