Achievement not wokring

for the kill azmodan on hardcore achievement ive ran it 6 times insta killing him but it wont give me the kill in under a minute and the no crowd controlling achievements any chance on why?

You have skills (and runes) and a passive that activate (or can activate) the crowd control:


  • Bone armor/Dislocation
  • Army of the dead/Death Valley


  • Rigor Mortis

Try changing them for other skills/passive.

And remove your follower if you use one.

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ill give it a try but still wont explain kill in unber a minute when he dies in a bout 1.5 seconds :frowning:

You killed him with which skill(s)?

sanctified army of the dead passive instantly died in torment 5

Maybe you can try to change skills like I said above and change your weapon to don’t the sanctified power.

yeah i can try that for the crowd control achievement but the second achievement is to kill in under one minute and its now awarding that one either even to he dies almsot instaatly it was doing fine for the first 2 acts and even caydea and ghom just not azmodan

From VitaKaninen on another thread:

oki doki ill give it a shot on a way higher torment