Acc belongs to wrong unknown clan

Hi, German Support is unable to help me, so i try it here again.
Since Yesterday i am not a member of my clan. My Acc ist changed to unknown Clan BTT, but i belongs to Ü45. My ACC has wrong Para and wrong Char for my Friends. Inside a Game the members see me with wrong Clan , but right Char and Para. Inside Best List i see the members of my Ü45, I can leave und then rejoin my Ü45, but after new start of the game… my Clan is BTT. Which i never joinded and so on… grmlllll


This has happened to me too. I’m in clan BEZT but it shows up PEPP Nelliell HamWirNochPepps. It happened in my last game; if I went to change my banner it showed someone else’s banner as well. After closing out of the game fully and logging back in I have my own banner back but the clan tag is still wrong. If I message the clan it goes to the correct one.

Interestingly I am a NA player and the mistaken clan appears to be in German.

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This is happening to someone in my clan as well.

This morning starting the game… right Clan… right paragon… after a short time… the game change my clan and my para…and nobody helps…i understand the game is new… grm

On login into EU D3 my seasonal lvl70 HC Barb got transformed into a non seasonal lvl25 SC Korean! Monk! Korean chars name and all. My other EU chars were all shown correctly.

Happened today, couldn’t start game with that foreign Monk as I got the error “hc and sc chars can’t play together”.

After re-logging into D3 my Barb came back, all looks normal now.

Blizzard PatatoServers™ or hackers?

suddenly after about 5 mins of gameplay it says i am in a clan called
frostfire clan which i have NOT joined or applied to or been invited to
it also changes my seasonal charector name to khavaris
allthough my panel does not allow me to have clan chat or anything
but the game shows me as in the clan,when i shut down /exit the game it starts again nontrmally and then 5 mins later changes my charector name and displays me in a clan called frostfire
please fix this issue or stop frostfire clan from hacking my accout

This really is more of a question for Support, not for this forum. This forum is for game bugs. Being Hacked is not a game bug.

If you suspect you are being hacked, change your login info, add an authicator, contact support to help you. Blue very rarely posts here.

He is not hacked and this is not the only report of issues with social features.

For example, NOBODY can change a character name. Nobody can - so if it is displaying wrong then that is a bug. Same with clan displaying wrong.

This is in the proper forum.


apparently the reply did not show the reply, was replying to post 6, specifically

I know what he said and why you posted that. I should have also quoted him and pointed out to him that he is not being hacked.

That is a mistaken assumption on that poster’s part.

Pretty sure it’s a bug. Happened to me again today, this time my necro got “transmogrified”. Took a video.

The difference being that this time it didn’t happen on login but while switching chars.

Re-logging in fixed it.

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Thank you for posting a video. That is the kind of thing that helps QA out. Detailed info on bugs helps replicate and squash them.

EDIT. There is a thread in General that should be moved here that has more examples/complaints about the bug. There are translations and English posts in it as well.

here same… wrong unknow clan…

exact same thing happens to be, but also happens in game, changes my clan tag and name of my character.

All my seasonal characters randomly changed to the EU clan and the banner also changes. I have done everything I can, including uninstalling d3 and the app and reinstalling.

It is not you. It really is a bug displaying you as the wrong clan or name. I have not seen anything posted about the bug from Blizz so I don’t know the status.

I’ve only had my main DH character have issues with being somehow changed (mid-game) from seasonal to non-seasonal and when I’ve logged out to fix the issue I’ve had my character replaced with a WD with a name that I believe is in Russian … I grabbed a screen shot of it and when I came back to the game my DH and character info was correct but it still stated that I was not a seasonal character… meanwhile my seasonal journey is visible on the right hand side of the screen. I took another screenshot and when I came back the WD and weird name were back and when I went into my character list it was there in place of my DH and the only thing that kind of fixed it was logging out and back in… but I noticed later that evening that in my clan list my character icon was a WD… meanwhile in game I’m playing my DH… but it’s really making it hard to play season… So far it’s only affected my DH… It makes me wonder if it’s just the 1 character with an issue or if will happen to any seasonal character