A6I2 Bombardment is still S-Tier

Haha, you really edited the title dmkt. Had to laugh, ty xD

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Yeah! :grinning: I am sure you saw the other title change too after you cloned my feedback thread and prepended with “New”

Thread maintenance mode.

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Not only did i do that. You also were in the Title of one of my Threads on Troll-Thursday:

“A deeper Crusader A6I2 Evaluation than the one from dmkt + Suggestions” xD

I bury my bad memories Psi.

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and i dig them up :slight_smile:

Diablo III Crusader solo 135 Bombardment 2.6.10 - YouTube Solo

Here is another video to watch, GR138, P2488, no augments and just under 19000 strength:

What a weird season.



I can’t bring myself to play this though. This horse thing is incredibly clunky, not to mention the constant desync I suffer when trying to get the Norvald buff. It’s even worse when playing HF.

dmkt - Do you have a link to the setup (gear, secondary skills, etc) you used in this vid? I’m running around that paragon level and can barely do a 125. I know, talent level difference, but I’d like to think maybe a switch in something I’m running could bring me a tiny bit closer to 138 solo?

Hey Shamwow,

In the last 30 seconds of my video I hover over specific gear rolls that you can compare.

It’s pretty much the textbook A6I2 Bombardment build, with Aquilas in the 4th cube slot:


If you’re missing Thorns secondary rolls, or lacking trifecta shoulders, or a good amulet – I highly recommend using page 4 in the cube to get the proper rolls. These little optimizations can increase your clears, and they are cheap upgrades.

For shoulders, I think re-rolling Invoker’s will get you there quickest.

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I must have misunderstood the description for barrel of spikes. It says Damage of each barrel is increased by 200% of your Thorns. I assumed that meant it doesn’t apply the actual thorns damage, but adds it as regular damage, thus benefiting from crit stats. Obviously I was wrong. Argh.

Now you’ll tear it up. Good luck on your clear!

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