A way of contact

I’m just seeking someone who is very knowledgeable in the ways of diablo maybe an email they check frequently or a dm on this site idk about preferably u.s.

If you have questions about the game, please ask! There are many people here who would be happy to help :blush: There’s also a wealth of fansites, Discord servers, subreddits, video guides, Wikis, and the like all over the internet. It all depends on the nature of your enquiry. For example, if you had a question specifically related to how the mechanics of the Barbarian Rend build work, I’d direct you to the #barbarian forum, or if you were wondering how to gain more in-game pets, there’s a great guide for that too.

I’m on reforge 1200-1300 on a legendary mask and was woundering if there are legendaries that you can’t make primal

Have you completed a GR70 solo? Primal items only unlock after a solo GR70 has been completed. Assuming you have done so, it’s probably just old fashioned bad luck.

The chance to reforge a legendary item to a primal is incredibly small. I’m not 100% sure of the math - to the best of my knowledge it’s never explicitly been confirmed by Blizzard, but here is an example of someone running a small experiment to determine primal drop chance.

1200-1300 times or 1200-1300 Forgotten Souls?

Here is a video that was uploaded by TrepChains upgrading Level 70 Rare Hand Crossbows and then reforging them for a Primal Dawn. It took her 168 reforges and 8,400 Forgotten Souls to get one. (And that doesn’t count the number of upgrades and Death’s Breaths). This was Season 19. The video was uploaded December 24, 2019.

Notice the amount of Mats she has.

Thanks, TrepChains! And congratulations!  

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Duplicating have more than 1T FS and everything els