9/16/2021 Edit: Loot Systems Updates/Clarification

rod fergusson also just said “relax, we’re not doing it”

Yeah I don’t think you’re gonna get your personal loot lol

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Here are his 4 quotes in context.



The tweets are in reverse chronological order for each pair (i.e. most recent to oldest with initial tweet with Rod’s response underneath).

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Than get used to FFA. Rod already shot you down. The gm shot you down. The streamers shot you down. The posters have shot you down.

No means no

Post the time stamps you scam artist

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The word of the day is “job”.

The images already have dates and are in reverse chronological order (i.e. most recent to oldest) for each tweet pair.

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So when you see that what do you see. I’m curious to look inside the mind of a mad man.

try read this. NO for ploot! “we’re not doing it” it’s not hard to understand for normal person…5 whiners in forums ain’t getting ploot done not now not later!

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There are 4 tweets


8/31/2021 Edit: Personal Loot Updates/Clarification - Diablo II: Resurrected / General Discussion - Diablo 3 Forums (blizzard.com)

ye there deffo is. mhm what was the last part rod said mhm…was it like We’re not doing it…so keep shooting blank bullets

Do you agree that “it” refers in his second tweet in chronological order refers to not introducing an optional loot system at launch?

how long are u going to live in a lie there? just focus on part “We’re not doing it” and mayby it does open to u also someday

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Before I answer your question, will you answer mine:

In this quote, “it” clearly refers to an optional loot system at launch.

On one side it’s an answer / reaction to another persons comment and on the other side it’s a statement. Depending on which side you support you may interpret it in a way, so it favors your arguments. I don’t want to put any words in your mouth but i see it that way.

hah good try but half posted chain missing rest posts = living in a lie

So you want to ignore the second tweet where “it” refers to adding an optional loot system at launch. You also ignore his first tweet.

I am not the one who is not looking at everything in context. There are four tweetts. The first 2 provide context to the last two.


There is a simple reason that those who have your interpretation never post all 4 tweets. All 4 are internally consistent and the message it clear.

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I feel bad for any relationships you have. Trying to decipher something that isn’t there.

u know only the result at end counts…it’s not that hard to see.

The result at the end counts. You are misinterpretating that result because you ignore the prior context.

Don’t bother. He is a lost cause. I’m reaching out to see if we can mark him as spam. A discussion is fine. What he is doing isn’t.

They need him banned for a week. Spam spam.

Not trying to defend Micro here but he’s just referring to comments from Rod Fergusson. He agrees with him which i personally don’t and i am sure others as well. Having the same stance is not wrong.
EDIT: I wouldn’t rely on one mans word.