9/16/2021 Edit: Loot Systems Updates/Clarification

we 100% agree on this one :wink:

Holy moly. We 100% agree. I’m surprised.

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its not the same. because ther is far more ther want ffa then p-loot. so more people get involved=bigger chance for attacks :wink:

He wasn’t since from the start twisted everything i said. so for that i will not continue to try with him.

ye those we’re the ones claiming ploot here since they are scared to not being able to use those anymore…not that hard to see actually…so let’s try get something for free since we cannot cheat anymore…

That makes no sense as an argument. Personal loot mitigates the effects of cheaters (botter/pickit/macro users) that keep good drops from legitimate players. In an FFA system cheaters get a disproportionate amount of good drops in comparison to legitimate players. Instanced loot put an end to this advantage that cheaters had.


Thank God devs are smarter than to listen to microna and the minority.

Why waste your breath. For every post there is 100 against you.

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39% vs 40%+13% is the majority?

You have a way with numbers. Go push your spam campaign some more. It will not change the facts.

Even if my opinion was the minority (which apparently it is not, but no matter) that does not mean that the opinion is invalid or that changes should not be made in response to the minority.

For example, only 7-10% of males are colorblind. This is a minority; however, Blizzard did the right thing by introducing a color blind mode in D2R.

The US system is set up to protect the minority from the tyranny of the majority through the Bill of Rights. We often fail, but we constantly struggle and strive to improve. These wonderful changes often come from hard fought struggles from the minority viewpoint that often becomes widely accepted with time as being the right thing to do.


here’s some facts for ya. it’s doens’t matter what those crappy poll’s did show…it’s doesn’t change the fact that it’s minority players with bad communication asking ploot free mode…and any granma or 6 years old kid could had vote on those poll’s so just play the poll game much as u want there :man_facepalming:

I am working on my communication.

How many illegitimate votes do you think were among the first 4,000 or so in the first release of the data that were not D2 players even though 99% claimed they were?

Do you think all these people who lied about being D2 players all voted to add a personal loot option or was their vote split?

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Of course half of the internet voted in those. Everyone was like: oh look a poll I will vote cause its fun.

If I open up a chest, and then a Sur drops, knowing that two players are killing mobs next to me, where does the Sur go?

It explodes out of confusion and kills anyone in the radius f around 10 meters.

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new numbers agian. wher 40% and 13% said yes 100%?

It was the most eventful thing to happen in weeks at my nursing home! We all went in and voted again and again, just to annoy our useless grandchildren who grew up with D2, but are somehow more conservative than us.
Get of my lawn :older_woman: :broom:

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Martin Luther King still made his speech despite that.

This is one of those where you’ll probably get multiple answers. Nobody claims everyone is in lockstep, and even if we were there’s no guarantee the devs would do it 100% that way. But for me…

There would be a short period where only you could loot the Sur.


Considering he never belittles anyone no matter what they say.
(I can’t resist sometimes)

The fact all of micro’s post are very well structured and explained compared to many many of us.
He even posts link and information that deal with what he’s speaking about always

Even if I disagree with what he’s saying in some cases

I highly doubt this claim.


He edits post after people reply. He ignores facts. If he loses an argument he just repeats his favorite point. He’s a joke.

No and I think most people who are truthful would greatly disagree with you on that

I edit basically %98 of my posts cause of errors