9/16/2021 Edit: Loot Systems Updates/Clarification

but dude is like you are buying a jacket and get mad if it doesn’t come with a gift that was never promised

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No it’s like your buying a brand new jacket of the same jacket you loved for twenty years and it had all these options available to make it even greater if you wanted too…but instead someone else who it wasn’t even going to have an effect on got to choose none of the new options for you.

Then to top it off the company that made the jacket blocked anyone else from being able to add their own options on the jacket to make it better

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according to who?

dude i can’t stop laughing. you really made my night

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According to the people it would effect.

You don’t want it play ffa.
Anyone who wants to play it could toggle the option in game creation/join.

You don’t make my night, I find it quite strange and trollish how you respond

You are basically “it should be my way or the highway and screw all the rest”
While all I’m saying is “nah man, people should have the option and here’s why”

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you are trolling yourself i’m just laughing about it

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Well at least you’re entertained :man_shrugging:

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are u dumb? like u just said again that in that poll there’s every person that will play D2? stop trolling already. it’s not our fault that ploot is bad system nothing unique in it. and it only gathers leechers/bad players in most of the games.

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yhyyy i lost a loot in ffa…will u cry much as that happens in ploot? u see item and cannot have it? will u then start saying like “i need that same item as other guy got it too”? would not be supriced! get real and stop asking loot on silverplatter

there will be everyone that wants to free loot from silverplatter…

to ruin game to get another mass product with loot offered from silverplatter!

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i need to make t shirts with this phrase

Explain to me how it’s free loot based off anything I’ve said.
Exactly you can’t.

Not at all but you can be a pompous prick all you want.
Funny how you pick one of the things I said singled out of everything I presented then apply your own logic into what I was representing.
You are part of the toxic problem and your post show it

Again a weak argument as what’s being asked for has 0 relation with d3….which you’d think mr.llama would be educated enough to know but obviously not :man_shrugging:


ye i think we have heard how “toxic” we are :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: if it takes that to save the game from tourists&nextgeneration gamers so be it! u can call it what u want. it would just be best for u to move on if u can’t handle handle ffa. mayby a pokemon go?

he has the experience of what the game needs since he is one of the best content creators and he has been asked by blizz what the people needs from a remaster.

if he had support it the idea you would be cheering like a girl on her 15th birthday party.

Tourist and next gen?

I’ve played this game since it came out.
Again pompous.


Not at all I don’t care about the guy.

He’s a speed runner and he makes money off of people who basically worship him.

Not for me.

The less options that change from what he’s used to the less likely he loses viewers and income but apparently that’s too much to comprehend


Many on this forum need to demonize others because their arguments lack intellectual merits. It is a shame really.

Personally, I am the pong/atari generation. I played the original diablo at launch. I bought the collector’s edition of D2 on launch day and was waiting in line for Best Buy to open with other diablo fans. I have level 90 and 80 character in the current ladder season. These false accusations of being a kid or tourists are laughable.


well doesn’t seem u were since ur in train wreck side here…or is it more uve become lazy and don’t wanna for for ur gear anymore? since afterall thats the most fun part in game spend hours after hours and work for ur gear

Because they don’t have an argument when you tell them you want it optional.

Other then we’ve never played or are d3 players.
The play solo private games people
(Which is the exact opposite of the social abilities we see in ploot, in other words is a completely useless baseless comment)
People will just follow bots around and collect loot (which is ridiculous and a waste of $)
Bots will play full games by themselves and get more loots.
They can already do that and it has no direct effect on me…
But the market!!
Eat dust d2jsper’s


This is where respect comes into play.

How would having the exact same drops as ffa be lazy and more loot?

You make zero sense and a huuuuge assumption.

Explain it…how I’m going to get more loot. Please…mic’s yours

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