9/16/2021 Edit: Loot Systems Updates/Clarification

What :joy:

That poll is not very useful at all, but this take basically couldnt be more wrong.

Also, the polls were actually highly accurate back then, only the people reading them were not.

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I think that you have that answer

I am certain it was not only the state of Texas or restricted to inner cities. Also, this poll is not mine.

I am sure that the moon does not have ~9,000 potential respondents.

How to ignore other posters is linked below:

How to mute/ignore someone whose profile is private? - Diablo II: Resurrected / General Discussion - Diablo 3 Forums (blizzard.com)


Are you making up history ? If I could mute you its not even worth my time.

I am stating literal facts. This is basic knowledge tbh. National poll averages were performing above average and well within margin of error. Fact.
Now, you could make a pretty decent case for 2020 polls being bad though. But that was also very extraordinary circumstances, considering what was going on at the time.

The issue in 16 was more that a bunch of “talking heads” didn’t believe the polls they were seeing. So the narrative you encountered was different from the polls.
Same story in UKs referendum btw. Data can be correct, but if you are biased in your reading… well.


Dumbest argument.

It’s not the same at all and you know it but you’d rather leave a comment like that….

Maybe I want to just play the game with 8 other people (could be friends, could be randoms) and I want to ensure pickit or other 3rd party programs are obsolete or advantage/disadvantage builds all have an equal footing, maybe I wanna just chill and kill stuff with everyone and have the same chance at loot as I’d have in ffa 8 player game….
Maybe something drops, maybe something doesn’t.

The priv game or go play d3 is a bs saying.
One is anti social and the other isn’t even the same and you know it.


i don’t know is just an idea… Why if you don’t like pickit scripts or bots you redirect the issue to the devs instead of asking a different game mode?

Because it’s impossible to secure it.

Ploot makes it obsolete so that security isn’t an issue.

But that’s like saying don’t play an Amazon (bow) in a public game…
That’s bs reasoning.


again Ctrl + C Ctrl + V

Changing loot system won’t affect the bots. Because most of them are in public games to advertise the webpage where you can buy the stuff, you are naive if you think that they don’t do private games with exact same method. They can be 24 hs straight playing in the most efficient way. so if they farm experience they put 8 bots on the same party and problem solved.
Most of bots are top tier equipment so who is getting the most rewards? the person that goes with the bot while the bot kills all the monster with ZERO effort providing free loot and exp to the people? or the bot itself that gets the hi loot most of the time while can get it privately?
Sadly most people can’t run a Hell chaos alone or a Hell Baal Run. Changing to aloot only benefits the player going with the bot: free loot (with the possible of a HI loot allocated) with the exp and all and we shouldn’t Benefit from bots. THE BOTS SHOULDN’T BE THERE ON THE FIRST PLACE.

So in short. Bots won’t be affected of the loot system in anyway. Stop bringing this argument because is hilarious

Why would I care about the bots if I’m playing ploot.
They can auto grab or much faster then human grab whatever loot drops for them and I could give a rats.
Also I wouldn’t even know unless it was programmed to tell me they got something good

What’s hilarious is you making a giant argument about absolutely nothing.

No one would care about bots in ploot games they are obsolete
In Ffa they will be at an advantage, always.

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It’s interesting how game news sites believe that personal loot is a popular option. For example, there is a new article on gamerant with the headlines, “Diablo 2: Resurrected Will Be Missing Popular Loot Feature at Launch, But It Could Come Later”. So there is a good chance they could add the option post-launch. I believe Blizzard understands that gatekeepers aren’t what’s best for business since players that have been playing Diablo 3 for over 9 years are used to this feature and since it’s only an option, it doesn’t hurt anyone’s gameplay, just allows more options. So this means better business for Blizzard from the D3 crowd (which has more players than D2). :slightly_smiling_face:

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But the ploot in d3 is terrible, the way loot drops in d3 itself is bad.

D2r would just need to have the loot drop as it would the same in ffa but everyone gets their own.
You can still trade it ext it’s not overtly based on your specific character ext
Your not getting higher drop rates.

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If it’s an option, does it really matter if you believe the system is terrible or not? Just play with FFA. Everyone wins. :slightly_smiling_face:


If the drops in d2 became like d3 I’d just stop playing.
It’s far too excessive.
The majority of people who want ploot in d2r don’t want an increase in drops, they want the regular amount per player in game but their own that no bots/pick it’s and advantageous builds can take.

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No one wants an increased drop rate for personal loot, and magic find for single player will always be superior for farming for loot. The majority of players that are advocating for a personal loot option just want a better public multiplayer experience when farming for loot so they can spend more time with team work on grinding mobs/bosses than clicking for loot.


if you don’t see the problems goes away? nice thinking bro
your arguments are more and more hilarious

I also said Aloot so the problem still exists because you will benefit form the bot

if you are talking about ploot as D3. well you don’t know how the D2 works. because it works around trading. with ploot you kill the trading part (core part of D2)
if you don’t like that you shouldn’t be playing D2R my friend. It appears that is not the game for you

She actually got more votes, so in a way she won.

Popular vote 62,984,828 - 65,853,514

Facts are not that convenient for you, i know.

Numbers are hard too.

No bro it not hilarious.

Yes bro it literally goes away because they are nullified.

You think bnet will ever eliminate 3rd party programs you’re dreaming.

Ploot does literally eliminate the effect it has on the players who are in the game with the bot/pickit ext

As for the d3 loot thing you talked about I don’t like the d3 loot and as for d2 I’ve played the game since it came out so I know it well.

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The irony. How do you even come up with all these hilarious jokes.

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Ploot in D3 is what fixed the bot/pickit players from stealing loot. If you look on GitHub they have scripts available for D3, but they are just not as known since the game has a ploot system as default so they can’t be used to steal loot from other players. We just want a ploot “option” to fix this as well in D2R.

Yes but d3 ploot is terrible.

Loot in general is terrible in d3.

Leave d2 loot as it is and just apply ploot as if everyone in game was in ffa