90 to 99 experience table

Nothing wrong with posting an idea, some people will agree, some won’t.

Most builds are done (skill wise) by around level 88-92 anyways, with extras going to gravyskills. There are a few that go to 96 or 97 to max, and BvBs of course will benefit the most from 99, but 99 is rarely if ever a necessity, even for top of the line PvP.

Meh, I like Classic’s level system, I actually wish LoD was much, much harder to level, but to each their own.

It used to be you could hit 99 in a day for LoD. Some people loved this.

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Some of us have full time jobs and families, and still love d2 and want to play it. And make it to 99. How can we do this? Hmm.

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If you really, really, really want to hit 99, and has been a goal of yours for some time…

I suggest hitting 99 in Nonladder.


Well with double amount of xp the lvl 99 is far bigger milestone. I can livewith that.

Many people going to achieve lvl 99. Only cus if you cant that is no reason to lower the xp need for lvl 99.

Your current family setup has nothing to do with a video game design. As Geezer said most builds are complete on lvl 90. Lvl 99 is for dedicated players. You are dedicated to your family what is ofc no problem at all. But i thought you learned with family already that you cant have anything what you want.


Yeah this is about right, I have a wife and several children, and a full time job, and I still plan to make at least 20 High-end PvP chars (none of which will be 99, highest probably 95)

It will take me several ladders, and lots of time, I’ll skip a ladder here and there to do other things, and I still play a ton of other games/ have time for family.

I’ve been to 99, the reward was just a simple number, basically didn’t affect her speed of killing at all, PvP or Pvm.


Don’t change that at all. It should be hard.


Laughs in hardcore classic :wink:

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Runs into Baal’s throne room. Game lags, death screen. WTF!!

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Most people, myself included, have always stopped at level 90 and focused on other characters and gear instead. Those 45 extra attribute points and 9 skill points you get aren’t necessary as a level 90 can just as easily destroy content as a level 99. This is one of the reasons why people who think filling their inventory to the brim with charms is a joke. They clearly don’t understand the mechanics, their class, the game, nothing.


Get 99 in non-ladder. You potentially have the rest of your life to get there.

It takes very little time to get to 90, even 95 is feasible with casual play over 3 months.

The highest I’ve ever gotten is 97. There’s very little difference, as many others have already pointed out, between 90 and 99 for most builds. I prefer to have shorter ladders with much fewer people reaching 99. It will add a bit more competition, for those who care, in the 95-98 range.

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yes, the old everybody gets a trophy concept.

why nkt just start everyone off at lvl 99 with all the runewords already in stash.


I mean, as someone who enjoys top-level pvp but knows that won’t be available for several ladders… this does sound like a fun realm idea :smile:

The ability to respec helps now you dont have to spend 1000 hours grinding and when you put a skill point or stat point in the wrong spot you start over again… So i say fine as is.

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Couldn’t help but chuckle at OP only mentioning baal runs to get to 99. That’s the worst way to do it.

99 isn’t neccessary. No need to dumb it down to the point of it losing its status.

Yep. No one will ever get to 99 with the new seasons. Hope we all enjoy that :pray:

New ladders have 2 main reasons. Start everything from zero and fresh economy. lvl 99 was never a reason for new ladder. lvl 99 is for nonladder.

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Yeah. We get it. This thread is over.

See you in Sanctuary, heroes. I’ll be holding the top assassin slot. Again.


Well there are alot of players with even 16-20 hours per day to play sooooooooo… nope…i dont think so.

I do think so :slight_smile: we’ll see, now won’t we?

What will you be playing? I’ll look for you down on the list.

You are going to have hard time to find me on the list with about 5-10 hours per week gameplay.

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