2.7.0 __S-22 Wizard Update/Balance Mega thread

Assuming it does scale, perhaps one part of this issue with the non-archon teleport cast animation interval is more centered on how much it scales at certain attack speeds. It might be scaling too slowly for some of our tastes. Perhaps Linear, matching 1/APS even? (just a guess)

I’ll be interested to retest this one in the off-season.

Seems easier for Blizzard to just copy the code from Archon’s version. I don’t think there is any drawback to that. Win-win.

I don’t want to sound too negative, Kindran. Loving the wizard talks here. I appreciate the post!

Mobility of a class and the level of access to that mobility sets the stage for performance in all of that class’ builds. Being able to traverse a rift in a reasonable amount of time with minimal investment can be hugely impactful.

Being able to more regularly dodge attacks can also be a large factor in how much toughness a build needs to allocate to survive.

Wizard builds currently tend to over allocate DR and toughness because we can’t move away or recover from attacks in time otherwise.

I’m not saying this tanky style of play is bad. It’s one I’ve enjoyed and it should certainly be an option. But so also should the less defensive, higher mobility, higher recovery approach.

~90% of gameplay in the season is Speed GRs, Bounties, and Nephalem Rifting. By this alone, Teleport not being as good in this area is a major issue.

Blood rush gets Potency and Transfuse for pushing, both amazing at providing large amounts of toughess or healing. Illusionist’s mobility is very nice for pushing but it has issues with consistency in my experience. It doesn’t beat out the significantly lower cooldown and high uptime on armor bonus (or large healing) here. Note on Potency: ~38% toughness increase vs 25% on safe passage.

These are weapons, which take up vital slots for damage or toughness in most cases. In-Geom doesn’t even reduce Teleport’s Cooldown to the GCD because it is 11 seconds base. You need 50% CDR in addition to achieve that.

Aether walker requires significant investment in Arcane power management, which I suppose is fine if there were to be other benefits; but there are no other benefits, making placement in the weapon slot questionable for many GR Speed builds.

Teleport is still limited to it’s cast interval, which can, in certain situations, be quite slow in comparison to these other skills, such as the Monk dash and the DH vault, for example.

Several seasons in years past I’ve started wizard, only to roll an alt class for the sole purpose of grinding speeds, bounties, or nephalem rifting at a quicker pace.

I wouldn’t say this is the reason. Wizards over allocate DR because there isn’t much other option for the slots in question. If there is a secondary option to boost damage it’s only a very minimal amount.

  1. Most classes/builds have to do the same to get an that extra speed though

  2. I’m genuinely confused on why you think we need 50% cooldown along with In-geom to make it refresh on the GCD? We only need 10% cool down to hit 10sec Teleport and In-geom reduces by 10sec - Am I missing something here?

One thing I want to mention with Necromancer is that a lot of push builds can’t even slot in Blood Rush.

I can understand this, but I don’t think it’s that big of an issue. If vyr archon could clear as high as other classes in GRift it would be really fast for those speed clears. Usually you have classes that run speed 2 minute GRifts (solo) at much lower levels for fast exp. The wizard instead runs higher GRifts around 4-5 minutes instead.

If y’all are wanting those 2 minute clears then the issue isn’t teleport honestly. It’s a general build issue with wizard damage skills. Let’s take a few top wizard builds

  1. Archon Chantodo - has slow build up required for damage and archon form can’t be up 100%

  2. Hydra - have to constantly resummon Hydra that can’t really screen clear that fast.

  3. Meteor - meteors have cast delays (except lightning) and they don’t mass screen clear

Even if you dropped down to GRift 20 speeds you still can’t super speed clear these because of the mechanical capabilities with wizard damage abilities. It’s not necessarily a teleport issue.

This is also the same reason we are slower on bounties. I have no problem moving from point B to point A. The problem I do have is the lack of screen clearing we have compared to other classes. If the bounty is go to boss and kill then we are basically just as fast as other classes

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No worries on this Cratic.

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I had a crazy idea how to fix Star Pact without it being the ridiculous build it was before. Currently,
[item]https://us.diablo3.com/en/item/the-smoldering-core-Unique_Staff_103_x1n [/item]

does basically nothing. It’s a junk affix. But What if Smoldering Core increased the impact radius and area damage of Meteor? It would have the potential of being a Star Pact trash clear build; and scaling geometrically with end-game density. I think Smoldering Core increasing impact radius and area damage of meteor would put it back on the table as a viable build.


Smoldering Core: Meteor's radius and Area damage is increased by X%.

Unfortunately, Reverse Archon is still present and there are some rather disappointing gearing choices on Shoulders, but such a viable meteor build should exist for such an iconic Wizard spell. Would be nice to have a fun-to-play endgame competitive trash clear build.

Edit: Linking an item in forums has defeated me. I give up.

Good reply. I think your responses have good reasoning behind them. I’ll reply to a few below, but otherwise, I’m happy that this gives other players a chance to see multiple perspectives.

Static reductions to cooldown, such as from In-Geom, are applied before CDR.

So Teleport is 11s, and if In-Geom is only proc’d once, this gets reduced to 1 second. We still need 50% CDR to reduce the remaining amount to .5 seconds (the GCD).

If multiple In-Geom occurrences exist, this wouldn’t matter of course, but most builds with In-Geom tend to balance around 1 proc only per rotation (whatever the build features).

Good point that the skills do take a long time in some cases to resolve or cast, and there really aren’t currently any screen-clearers for wizard. Some come close though (Frozen orb?).

I do appreciate the impact that a lot of wizard skills deliver when hitting targets on point. They generally feel very responsive despite these limitations; perhaps even because of them in some instances.

I still assert that focusing on mobility, if we had to choose, would be the better choice.

Those 4-6 minute clear builds that are super fun to run; EB, FO, Orbit, Meteor Shower: are you really feeling constrained by the slowness of the damage skills when in combat? I would say: mostly not.

I’m mostly feeling constrained by low mobility, spending more time seeking out that higher density, or having less options to skip elites (and Juggernauts) when encountered, etc. This is really apparent when I run the same build, but swap out a weapon for In-Geom or Aether Walker and run a lower GR.

It would be nice if certain skills had slightly larger area of effect or more options for larger radius. Or perhaps if our screen clearers from ages past (Blizzard, Disintegrate, and to a lesser degree: Wave of force) were returned to their former glory. These would be changes I might be able to get behind.

But again, those are more targeted changes, and would be designed to enhance specific damage dealing skills, whereas changes to Teleport affect any build including it: all builds, excepting some push builds.

Enhancing Teleport and other movement speed related options, which could either support or compete with Teleport, solves this.

For reference, I’d be okay with a 3-4 minutes speed GR, and maybe 3 minutes or thereabout in a Nephalem rift.

I was about 2 seconds away from replying back refuting this, but I thought better of it and decided to test it because I know you know your stuff. Wow, I can’t believe i never knew that about In-Geom. It’s been about 5 minutes since I started writing this, and I’m still in slight shock about this.

For Meteor Shower, definitely yes. I remember running this and getting frustrated because while I could keep up with my friends in rifts, I never got to deal any damage. By the time I casted Meteor Shower on an elite or let Etched Sigil do it’s thing my friends already killed the elite pack, even when I got to the elite a split second before they did.

I want to chime in on this as it’s my 100% favorite thing in Diablo. The feel of the impact on Wizard abilities was what drew me into Diablo 3. Blizzard nailed this on the head over every other game I have played. When I cast most skills on Wizard I can feel the power and the impact. Part of that could be that small delay like you said. My favorite builds are Meteor Shower, MH Archon and Tal’Rasha Frozen Orb because of this.

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I absolutely hate reverse Archon playstyle and I truly hope Blizzard somehow removes this as a way to play. It has caused so many issues with normal builds, and something needs to change with normal abilities benefiting from Archon stacks.

I do agree that Star Pact should be a viable trash clear build, but it should have nothing to do with Deathwish or Archon. Deathwish, Etched Sigil and Mantle of Channeling need to change back to instant bonus dmg boost, and something else needs to be done to Star Pact so it doesn’t benefit from these.

Nah, the better way to do it is Archon stacks only increase Archon damage abilities…or the easy way is damage while in Archon.

Get rid of Swami and have Vyr set make Archon permanent? Stacks will need a cap if this is implemented.

Which also gets rid of Chantodo’s, incidentially. your proposed change would KILL archon stone-dead.

no, you get 20 stacks of chantodo and it stays with you while in archon. How does that kill it?

You can’t cancel Archon, so I am stuck in the headspace that as as soon as you have Vyrs equipped, you go into and stay in Archon permanently.

I suppose it’s just as likely they make a way to cancel Archon.

Still, Archon stacks only increasing damage in Archon form just makes sense and gets rid at that toxic reverse archon.

Yes. Chantodo would take one in the back if Archon only increased Archon damage. Chantodo doing 95% of Vyr damage is pretty outrageous. It might even be possible to code Chantodo’s proc as having come from Archon, as well.

With the rebalance, now is the time.

Well, you already know my opinion on what to do with Chantodo.

I think everyone shares it. Reverse archon is bad design, and Vyr itself not doing any damage is bad design, and Fazula/Swarmi in every build is bad design. Fix it all with all fell swoop.

Just to be clear, Swarmi isn't the problem, Fazula's isn't the problem ( even Etched Sigil isn't the problem). These items are within reason. It's the gameplay they dictate that's the problem; the lack of comparable options.

Lack of options is unfortunately an issue that most of the classes share; and sadly, I don’t think Blizzard is capable and/or willing to fix it.

Nobody likes my suggestion of Smoldering Core? Is a meteor playstyle something you’d like to see return as well?

 The Smoldering Core: Increase the Impact radius and area damage of Meteor by X%.

I would actually like to be able to call down multiple meteors at once.

So something like this perhaps:

“Casting Meteor manually causes 6 more meteors of the same type to fall around the targeted spot. Meteor gains the thunder crash and star pact runes, but the damage increase is divided between the number of meteors."