2.6.8 PTR wizard changes - thoughts?

Well in seasons you can :slight_smile: But yes if they’re basing the power on NS then yah there’s much sacrifice between the two with the set.
1500% puts it slightly ahead of LoN Mammoth, which shows how crazy Mammoth is compared to every other rune lol.

In a perfect patch world it would be:
LoN Mammoth slow 4p group meta push
Typhon Set Frost mid GR / solo
Typhon Set Lightning speed rift / GR
Blazing lol (give us back Venom!)

I think they should make this new set, a pet set for Wiz, they should improve Mirror images to cast the same spell you do and hydras to follow you (while they are alive) and (hydras and the images) focus the enemy you target (something similar to Necro’s skeletons.
I also think this set should not be using channeling skills, it’s time to buff skills like Magic Missile and other primaries.

Also, I don’t understand why they give a Wizard a Spider appearance set, I thought Wiz hate spiders (in story mode when you go to Araneae cave, they say it, they hate and fear Spiders, also it make no sense, Spiders represent Poison (Wiz doesn’t have poison, they even removed Poison Hydra long ago) also, I thought they will make this set more Draconic or snake appearance.
Don’t get me wrong, the desing it’s cool (I hope they make and HD texture patch for all sets, it’s 2019 and they keep making low resolution textures) the shoulders with spider legs looks amazing, It’s just that it doesn’t feel like a Wizard set, it looks more like Witch Doctor.

I posted this on the PTR forum:

Pls support or add more ideas, let’s make devs fix our class now.


Normally these ideas are absolutely awful, and unfortunately yours arent much better, but your idea of Aether Walker increasing damage is solid. You’d probably want to do it after casting teleport though.

Say increase damage for X seconds by 100-200% after casting Teleport.

Those numbers needs to be tweaked.

As it stands, your version of hydra would deal 3 to 4x less damage than channeled hydra.

Mirror Ball should affect all non-channeled arcane spenders including hydra.

Personally they could remove signature spells from the Wizard and nobody would really notice, with the exception of triumvirate and Arcane Dynamo. Every other signature skill mechanic has failed.

  Etched Sigil:  <snip>... Mirror Images cast Meteor when you do for 100% of your damage

This is a really solid legendary power though, if you narrow it down. I like it. When you make L Powers do too much thats when the trouble starts. See DW/ES.

Put the missing channeling multiplier on Deathwish. AT/Disin/RoF spells hitting for 600% more damage is fine. You could then "specialize" in a channeling ability with Slorak's, Light of Grace or whatever for AT. 

What could have been. Disintegrate exploding enemies for %damage would have been really cool, for example. Or whatever.

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You are right, I forget to add the X seconds duration.

They are only approximations. With DW and ES buffing only channeling skills the lost dmg has to be back. What is important is the idea behind those changes, numbers can be up or down. I don’t want wiz to be an OP class, i want to have fun with 3-4 different playstyles.

@Venaliter I want DW and ES to be used with channeling skills making the job, not procing other skills. If you want that every wiz build is forced to use DW and ES well, we have that right now and it makes the class boring outside Archon.
The first step to fix the class is: DW/ES for channeling only. Then you can tweak sets and skills without that great shadow buffing all the wiz dmg.



That’s what i call a great idea. DW is way too dominant.

How many season do we use Channeling/Archon skills atm? And as long DW is that strong, this will not change.

That’s what i call a great idea. DW is way too dominant.

How many season do we use Channeling/Archon skills atm? And as long DW is that strong, this will not change.

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I think Season 3 was the last non-channeling non-Archon season.
Season 1 and 2 was Firebird’s.
Season 3 was Tal’s Meteor Shower (non-channeling).
Season 4 was Chantodo Vyr’s.
Season 5 and 6 was Twisters (and Firebug in S6)
Season 7 and 8 was Firebird Archon.
Seasons 9-11 was Tal/Vyr MH.
Seasons 12+ was Tal’s Meteor Shower, Star Pact (Firebird and then Lon/LoD), and Vyr’s.

I think there’s been the odd time someone has posted a top 10 clear with DMO Frozen Orb in non-season, but it’s never been the solo meta.

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I believe I remember this one and I want to say that they still used Deathwish to get that top clear. They basically tossed multiple orbs then channeled for the extra bonus to get mondo-burst

I for sure remember a non seasonal top clear with the AW version of DMO FO. Back when mid 120s was the stuff.

Ryoko would know. I remember AW DMO FO was a contender in a sea of Tal/Firebird Meteor.

Yeah I could have sworn there was a high AD AW DMO FO or OoID DMO FO clear around GR120, back when that actually would have made the top 10-20 non-season.

The clear was a 125 rift DMO +AW + Ranslors Folly + Primus. It’s on era 2018-1. Rank 2 on ladder 23 seconds behind R1.

It’s also the build i prefer the most and it actually lowkey competed with Star Pact until Bazooka became a thing. Unfortunately it’s not even close anymore.

Seems like PTR was updated with a few changes. LoD Hydra appears to be the strongest option still but atleast the Hydra set isn’t a mechanical nightmare anymore.

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I’m in love with Vyr/Chant Reaver + In Geom speeds, other than that the hydra set needs further tuning.

There was, it was by LoLo and it was with OoID, no teleport. I had theorycrafted the build during PTR being very end viable and made a planner but LoLo showed everyone how it was done.

Take heart, my Wizard friends! There are changes to the patch notes incoming. See here:

We will be providing updated 2.6.8 patch notes in the upcoming Season 20 preview blog.

Can’t wait to see what they break next.

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Yep this is it…pray for us. If they don’t deliver…rip wizard s20, we’ll be awkwardly joining the DHs and be like…hi guys…we didn’t forget about you, hows out of meta life been treating yah? Yah sucks…ha Bazooka was pretty funny…gather the whole screen and KABOOM gone in a super meteor haha, that was funny right?? No? Ok let’s have a beer, cheers!

Okay…I should go to bed now.

We’ll probably have the blog Tuesday.