2.6.6 D3planner sharing

Are you looking for hardcore-viable builds?
I don’t have have the time to play all of these builds. Would be nice to se one of them appears on the laderboard before I have to try it out.

All these builds are crafted with this settings:

  • 1k Paragon points
  • 90% stats perfection
  • no caldesann’s
  • no allie’s buff
  • Gems lvl100


Demon Hunter:


Witch Doctor:




Good luck have fun in this season.

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I’m literally shocked that wiz, wd and crusader have 3x the dmg of barbarians. Oh, wait, no I’m not, they also achieve 10+ higher GR on the leaderboards…simply amazing to me that all these years later the devs still have no clue how to balance the game.

Fixed the formulas on the Broken Promises calculator. I wasn’t aware there were an internal cooldown until I personally tested it.

I guess it’s intented, as D3 is a RPG game.
Melee build have more options for defenses, while ranged build is glassier but lots of cannons to equip.
This just allows roles to choose and encourage group play.

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