1st seasonal ever?

1st time seasonal player here and I’m lost/clueless. When I played my non seasonal solo wizard the game was easy. I don’t know what I did that made it a cake walk but I played in hard mode and just blasted everything. Was getting great items all the time. I didn’t get the mechanics of acquiring sets so I looked up what to do and decided I would try seasonal .But its taking exceptionally longer than what the web says it should. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. Advice would be helpful. Thank you.

Here is Maxroll’s 1-70 leveling guide, which you will hopefully find helpful.



Most every guide for playing a particular build expects a level of knowledge and often high amounts of paragon.

I’d suggest you try an easy to win character build first, like barbarian and the wastes set or monk and patterns of justice.

Well, first thing I might suggest - have you done this weeks Challenge Rift? It will give you a lot of materials, blood shards and gold to help get started. Once you have some Death’s Breaths, then you can get a small leg up. Go and get Kanai’s Cube - the above mentioned website, maxroll.gg, can tell you more detail about what to do once you have it.

After that, just start plugging away at what the different season chapters say to do. It’s that simple. May seem a bit confusing at first, but you’ll get into the groove of what to do.

I’m new in here and I have no idea what to do somebody help me figure this out please would appreciate it