15 Stash Tab Minimum & Item Balance



You may want to read how Blizzard performed their stress test and when they had the extra tabs available on the PTR. Even though there was a dedicated thread to report problems caused by extra stash space, no issues were reported. My recollection was that the stress test involved 4 characteers where every item in the stash was either a ring or amulet with a socket. Each item had a legendary gem in it.

If they can store 1 complete starch as mail at end of season . Then they have a mean to store gears somewhere.

We DON’T need to access ALL our gears. Let us mail gears we do not use to where the game store items in mails ( end of season).

We can retrieve items from mails like we did end of season.

I think it’s doable. Maybe 1 week worth of programming and interface design and another week off testing

A lot of issues could be solved by removing the need to synchronize the entire stash content of all players in the same game. Why should player A load the content of the stashes from players B, C and D in to his RAM? There’s no need! It’s unnecessary, completely unnecessary!!


Tell them, not me. :frowning:

Sure. Bad design.
However, fixing something like this in an old, messy game engine without any original devs around is probably not an easy task.

That’s why splitting stash into global/per char would work around the problem and still massively boost available space.

I did. Others did, too. I think that is why they reported their “stress test” with four players in game with maxed tabs (rings/amulets with legendary gem socketed) because the players on the PTR could not reproduce technical issues.

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Oh! I never thought of this, wonderful idea! <3

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Yeah, in torchlight, your followers have inventory space you can use. They carry gear for you. I think Diablo should implement this too.

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Some of us are already there… I don’t have enough stash space to store the new sets plus have space to store items on the character I rebirth for a particular season. I hope they give us more stash space… when they announced 5 more tabs I was jumping for joy… then they gate it behind seasons again, and then it was only 1… and now I’m just hoping that the new sets all suck so I don’t need to farm them up.

I’ve already decided to play Sunwuko TR instead of PoJ TR. AoV FotH became AoV HF which doesn’t interest me so I guess my wish is coming true.

Hope these 2 things get patched in patch 2.6.8 which is the next patch name I believe.

What does HC have to with SC ? There don’t over lap each other. It only has to with character spaces.

I have been hearing this for years. OMG I’m running out stash space. I have run everything character. I have two accounts. Keep one or two stash spaces open. Keep everything on each character you are running.

When you play that character move everything into a stash space. Play the character. When done move everything back into their inventory. OMG that is right you can’t do that either. It might take a few seconds out of your Diablo LIFE.

Plus If you can’t use any of the stuff you are keeping. That will not improve their stats. Get rid of it a waste to hold on to something you never use.

One thing they could do is give US more SQ. in the Stash Spaces. You have 70 now just make it 100. But what good would that do? The kids would still ask for more stash spaces.

Except they have stated that when they were testing the PTR (when the extra Tabs were live) they were having performance issues so they reduced the extra tabs to 1. I doubt they will increase the stash tabs any further.

Basically, stop being a horder. For me, I go as follows:
7 - 1 Tab for each Class Sets and specific legs
3 - 1 Tab for each Str/Dex/Int specific legendary or what doesn’t fit on the class tab
1 - Tab of Gems
1 - Tab of both Leveling Gear and Follower Gear along with other Misc Items like potions
1 - Tab of Misc Stuff in General
Everything fits just fine. It can be a little tight but at the same time it all fits. There is a lot of junk you get, you don’t need to keep it.

Personally i would only wish that they would remove say 3 stash tabs from the account and instead turn them into character stash tabs that only apply for that character. This way you would still have 13 available but 3 of them are character specific and can keep each set or build on those pages that other classes don’t need to see. This should affect performance since the overall tabs the server would need to read would still be the same (52 at the same time)

As for the “unlocking of tabs”
Default: 1 Account Tab Pre Unlocked
Base Game: +2 Gold Buyable Acct Tabs, +1 Gold Buyable Character Tab
RoS: +1 Gold Buyable Acct Tab, +1 Gold Buyable Character Tab
Necro DLC: +1 Pre-Unlocked Acct Tab, +1 Pre-Unlocked Character Tab
Season: +5 Pre-Unlocked Acct Tabs

Everything: 10 Account Tabs, 3 Character Tabs = Same 13 Tabs.

They said that their internal testing showed this. During the PTR, there was a dedicated thread for players to report problems caused by having 4 extra stash tabs. Do you recall how many reports they receive? Hint: The answer is 0, zero, nada, zilch if my recollection is correct.

Their stress test if I remember correctly was 4 players in game with the 4 extra stash tabs and every single item slot in the stash tab being jewelry with a socketed legendary gem.

A 15 stash tab minimum is not “wanting” more, it’s essential to enjoy and store your core loot in this loot type game. There’s no need for more and more stash space once we get a reasonable amount. The player base and I don’t want all my internet to be my items, that’s impossible and makes no sense. A poor quote and one that I don’t follow.


It’s a real 1st world problem, ya know.


“hey blizz i am entitled to more stash tabs cos you made a new item.”

The sentences about hard disk iş also applicable to stash space. “Higher the capacity , faster the speed of fill it”

Again, it is all a matter of how you play. I generally play barb and crusader each season and I play both hard and softcore. I have to play both hard and softcore to get to 1000 seasonal achievement. Once I done what I need to do with the crusader or barb, I delete the gear I no longer need. That way I can play another class or two each season if I’m still interested and still have space left in the stash tabs. If you try to save all the gear for all the classes you play, you will definitely run out of space.

Patch 2.6.8, we need more stash tabs, we’re getting 3 new sets…sigh. That comes with buffed supporting legendaries too…13 maximum tabs is not enough!

Edit: LOL, the 9 cube powers option is coming for a season 20 theme. I actually posted about this theme idea before hand!

Major 2020 D3 Patch Wish List Before D4

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What 9 Cube Powers? You only get 3 Cube Powers. Not 9.

No…     You really didn’t.

Reread this: A new Season Theme has been added for Season 20, the Season of the Forbidden Archives:

  • For the duration of Season 20, all slots in Kanai’s Cube will be able to select Legendary powers from Weapon, Armor, or Jewelry
    • This means you could select three Armor powers, three Weapon powers, three Jewelry powers, or any other combination thereof across all categories. (9 powers total)