계정및캐릭터표시정렙시즌 스탠모드

머라써야할지 일단게임상에 문제점
1 길드 가입 됨 >>참고로 길드가입 없음
2 캐릭터가 정렙이 낯아짐 1100대로 표시 >> 현재 6500대임
3 시즌모드로 226렙 이로 됨 >> 시즌은 아예 관심도없음

친추분들이하는말 길드가입이되있고 아이디도 이상하게보이고 정렙 도이상하게 표시되있다고 합니다
머가문제인지 재접이나 재부팅하면 원상태로 왔다같다함 수년을 했지만 어제져녁부터 발생하는문제입니다 ,

English only…

google translate lol

First of all, it is a problem in the game
1 Guild joined >>For reference, there is no guild registration
2 Character is unfamiliar with normal level Display 1100 units >> Currently 6500 units
Level 3 reached level 226 in season mode >> No interest in the season at all

It is said that you have joined the guild, your ID looks weird, and your level is displayed strangely.
It seems like it came back to the original state when it was re-entered or rebooted for some reason, but it is a problem that has occurred since yesterday evening.

I agree, got no idea what I agree about but looks like you went to a bit of trouble, so I completely support your argument, or statement, or whatever :wink:

We’ve seen a few reports now where people’s accounts are showing completely the wrong information, e.g. membership of clans they’re not part of, incorrect hero names, wrong paragon levels, wrong language settings, and so on. For example…

Don’t dismiss this just because the OP reported it in non-English.

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Same thing is happening to me, random times during game play my clan tag changes, I can still talk in the correct clan chat, still see the correct clan roster. Sometimes it changes my name and class in the roster and in my character list from menu. When im running a GR my name changes and if I look in the guild roster it says my seasonal dh is a non season necromancer, I cannot be invited to parties and have to relog to fix the issue in the short term. The last 3 days this has been happening resulting in a rather inconvenient game play. Its merely cosmetic at the end of the day and though very odd is just a rather small inconvenience. I hope they can find what the cause is and repair it but I think D3 is in maintenance mode for a bit.

same here. it randomly changes my banner and adds me to some ‘chinese’ like character named clan. restarting game doesn’t help. it goes away after some time. strangely enough it bounds me with the same banner and name. EU serwers