Broken crown bug

i have a smaragd in my broken crown so i should get more smaragds if the effect is works but i get only diamonds from this crown. is that right?


You get the same gem type that is in the helm of the hero. If the helm of the hero has a diamond in it, you will get diamond.

If you want emeralds (smaragds)… take 9 identical diamonds and put them in the cube with one Essence of Emerald.

Good luck in your games.


I have the same issue with the broken crown. I initially had the ruby in it, then unmounted it and replaced it with a topaz. Now all I get are extra rubies still.

Yes… that’s what I said… the extra gem will be the same colour as the gem in the hero’s helm… not the follower’s helm.

I assume you are referring to your hero “Jitters”…

The enchantress follower is wearing the Broken Crown and the hero is wearing a ruby in its helm:

The Broken Crown power is:

Whenever a gem drops, a gem of the type socketed into your helmet also drops. This effect does not apply to Legendary Gems. (Emanates)

Notice how it says “Emanates” at the end… that means that the power will apply to the hero, not the follower. So… whenever a gem drops, a gem of the type socketed in the helmet   of the hero   (in this case, a ruby) will also drop.

I hope this makes it more clear…