Your Connection has been Interrupted

I’m getting disconnected every 5 minutes, and to make matters worse, my character dies and loses a huge chunk of exp. There is nothing wrong with my wifi, and everything else-including writing this post- is working perfectly fine. I see so many people talking about this, yet nothing is being done. Stop feeling proud of yourselves about the upcoming updates in December, and get the basic right first. If such a small issue can’t be resolved almost 2 months after the game’s release, do you think people give a damn about the upcoming updates when we probably won’t even be able to play the game? So many updates made previously, yet failing to take note of the apparent bots promoting shops in lobby. Knowing this Blizzard, I won’t be surprised if they are allowing item shops to do this, and earning more revenue since so many people are giving up on this hopeless company.

Forum Mod Edit: This post has been edited by a moderator due to masked language as it is in violation of the Code of Conduct. We also do not allow insults directed at members of the community or Blizzard staff.


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