WTT BK wedding deathPoison Rainbow facet 4/4, barb/assa GC skillers

BK wedding 3%
nokozan Relic
the eye of etlich
Sorc amulet +1skills allres +18 Mf+21
Dwarf star
PaladinTalis +2 combat skills 14 Mf
Rainbow facet -4/4 poison
Carrion wind 9 life stolen
Natalyas Totem 26Dex 18st res18 +138def
The cat’s eye
Thundergod’s 195%
Ume’s Lament
The vile’s husk
lidlesswall 99%
Thundergod’s vigor 195%
Perfect Immortal kings will 2 warcries +40MF
M’avina’s Embrace
guardian angel 185%
lycander’s aim 2bow 2 amazon
Griswold’s heart
Black Hades 3os
Ondal’s wisdom +4 all skills Md reduced 8
Goblin toe
GC skills
GC +1 combat skill(barb) +27 life
GC +1 Shadow skills (assa) +15 pois /4 sec
Valkyrie wing 163%
Crown of ages 1os damage reduced by 14%
Tarn helm 42Mf // 45 MF
Bartuc cuthroat 196% 9% life stolen

+3 lightning skills sorc
+3 poison/bone
+2 sorc skills
+2 Barb resall +16
+2 ama 81 life
+1 ama coldres 52% otheres+13
+3 shadow disciplines
+2 Druid skills
+1 Paladin resall+17

Archon plate 3os
3x white monarch
3x Mage plate 3os
SupKnout 5os
Knout 5os

How much for the bk?

Price on Bartuc’s claw?

I’d say Um. 4pts from perfect.

Do you have a shako? or only runes? Gul

3% BK doesn’t worth a Gul, would yo take a occy to trade?
Msg me Mngx#11998 if interested