Will there be an option

to play either version of the game? What I mean is play a D2 character where rare items were king and a LoD character with all the runes, new uniques, etc?

That is an unknown unknown but has never been stated and should not be expected. A few people have suggested separate 1.09 or 1.1 versions, or say ladders that use old settings at times but again I would not expect it as it’s a lot of work. They are doing classic WoW so I guess that always leaves it open in the future.

I think LoD launched with 1.08 maybe? I am not sure but I remember having an old lightsaber and stormshield that did not match the current versions and it changed pretty early in LoD’s life. I just hope we can play D2 and/or LoD and not only LoD.

Up until [Patch 1.07] the changes affect only the classic game. Installing LoD will install Patch 1.07 automatically.

Taken from a wiki.

During the deep dive video, the developers stated that you WILL be able to make a vanilla non-LOD character. I believe they also said that vanilla mode will not include any qol changes they make like auto gold pickup because anyone playing vanilla probably wants the authentic experience.

Yup I would assume it’s 1.14d non LoD as well, as they both still received updates, just to varying degrees.

You will be able to play the base game or LoD. There will be an option like that.

Which is super silly, because upgrading to 1.14 is already not a “authentic experience”

Let’s hope they rethink this and update D2Classic with stash changes as well.

I remember being a pack rat and holding on to some older gear and it was really valuable in later patches… good times