Why are all of the D2R streamers playing Path of Exile?

They all quit d2r already? Is Path of Exile that much better then d2r, or are the queues so long they cant play D2r?

all of them, really?

if you need to know PoE either has released or is about to release new material. Many streamers like to play the freshest games they can.

Only you can determine if PoE is more fun for you. To me D2/D2R is infinitely more enjoyable than PoE.


Lol. Streamers want views and money. Nothing else matters. They think poe will get more views probably something in it is new a league or patch or whatever.
Quality or anything with the game does not factor in anywhere

everyone on my list except llama :wink:

theyll come back. PoE is a very spiky game. big early league attendance then dive very low.

happens every ~3months


Not all, but the streamers who go between games do need something to do while they wait for the Ques…

Pretty much this. Good for the first month then its pretty meh and everyone goes to playing other games.

People usually play PoE “2 weeks on new league start”, just like D3.

What IS Path of Exile, anyway…?

The ‘in spirit’ child of D2…it doesn’t have Ques…

Don’t you guys not have phones

because you can stream from a phone, right?

It’s more like D2R got attention of PoE streamers which was great but then they got annoyed by servers and went to PoE new league.


Streamers are what, 1% of the total playerbase, tops? Basically, I don’t think it matters, or, who cares. The other 99% who want to be playing D2R, are playing it

There is a new league and D2:R is old news.

Yes. Much much better game and a new ladder coming soon or already there…

PoE is the superior game but it drags badly until act 3 and the size of the economy overwhelms people.

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