Where those patch notes at?

It’s Thursday™ and past 10 AM PST already, where’s those patch notes? :grin:


Expect the patch notes on the first or second of may. At the very best tomorrow.

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Pez said on twitter that notes will come this week.

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Pez said you can only get this ladders patch notes if you pre-order D4 the deluxe edition. Otherwise you just have to play and figure it out on your own. Also he said he is really hoping his strategy of resetting ladder early and everyone getting bored before D4 release will improve sales.


you need to follow some d2 streamer on twitter, then watch him stream his reddit post linking to his OF which links to facebook wich tells you to preorder D4 just to get the next hint, which is to follow some other streamer which is playing candycrush minigame in wow dragonflight, which unlocks a hidden message linking to a reddit post that links to some other socialmedia muppet talking about the patchnotes… instead of posting them in their own forum…


All of that just because diablo 2 dont sell battle passes, LOL.

You have to killed ubers on a rabies druid to unlock the patch notes

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There are some people that would actually love this way of posting patch notes. :sweat_smile:

Patch note: Fixed various bugs

Now you give 5 dollar!

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lol that’s brutal

Looks like we’ll see the patch notes on Tuesday, May 2nd.

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lol that would be badass :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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any news update? 20 charssss

As Blizzard is still waking up (currently 7 AM PST) and getting their coffee, we probably won’t hear anything for atleast a few hours.

Not yet… ETA today, probably another 3 hours or so. California is still at home eating breakfast, getting ready for work.

We’ll likely get an announcement here, as well as at:

And probably twitter too. Bleh

It’s like 7AM PST now…wait at least 3 hours

D2R update hitting this morning in prep for the start of Season 4 on Thursday.

Notes up later this morning. Not a huge update but a few changes that will affect some builds and as many have read, more character slots!

— Adam Fletcher (@PezRadar) May 2, 2023

43 min ago
no stackable gems or runes confirmed also