When does poison start to overtake fishymancer?

I’m liking summoner so far, but just curious on the off chance I trip over a death’s web.

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Once you start getting a bunch of +skills gear. After maxing skeles, you can basically move into PNova as supplemental dmg. With more lvls/gear, PNova will end up taking over as your dmg dealer and you can generally spare the points to do both. And having an army with you as a Poison character helps keep you safe. Just an option for you to explore if you’re interested in going a bit hybrid.

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Do you want to use PSN for MF or just to clear the game? IME poisonnec with 3piece Trang (no Eni, no Dweb) and enough +skills can do pits at least as fast as a comparable fishy. But if your goal is to „farm“ CS with psn, then you need Dweb.

EDIT: As soon as your killspeed with poison nova is faster than your CE

Poison’s high end damage comes from -enemy res but it’s still potent enough just with max skill and synergies. Meaning you don’t HAVE to wait for staple gear but it does make a pretty big difference


Been playing poison lvl30 to 89 now, don’t have a Dweb yet. It’s true it is a gear dependent build, but all you need to be able to play it in Hell is the 3 piece trang (gloves, belt, shield) along with a couple skiller items to hit 5-6k dmg poison novas.

The biggest weakness of this build is single target so I usually don’t farm bosses doing MF runs. The strongest point of this build is actually immunities, you can break 99% of poison immunes with 3p Tranghoul.

I recommend 5 hard points into lower resist until end game, as well as 5 in corpse explosion. DR hits lower resist hard, you want it to be at around -55 resist at all times. It gets much easier when you have strong skeletons for meat shields after maxing all 3 synergies.

It’s a fun build, enjoy it, you don’t need a dweb but tranghoul is absolutely mandatory! Gloves at least to begin.

I’ve never tried poison, seems fun. I only play bone necro, other builds are very weak in my opinion. Using a token and going summoner temporarily for ubers is probably the only reason I would use that build. I also wouldn’t play necro without teleport, but that’s just me.

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Actually got dweb a day after posting this, ha. Just haven’t been on due to the server hiccups. Don’t want to risk my characters getting deleto’d.

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Call me crazy but I’ll try ubers as poison, I lucked out and rolled an almost perfect Bramble.

Meph will be a pain, he has 110 poison res, but I know it’s been done before.

When hell cows die to a single nova. Until that point, Poisonmancer is just a Summoner with an extra button you have to press that can’t do boss runs.

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If you have high +skills just put 1 point in decrep makes most bosses a joke.

AKA the instant you finally get Death’s Web.

Yeah and then you sacrifice all your lovely defense in case you want to do other stuff than cows. I prefer farming Worlstone Keep and Chaos Sanctuary. I really wouldn’t enjoy doing that without 75 to all resists.

EDIT - you can get some AR small charms though :slight_smile:

You enjoy farming WK as poison? This place has unbreakable poison immunes… souls and vipers.

I hate that place. Sometimes you don’t get any souls but still. Chaos I run with horrible negative resists with 400 mf, once your skels are strong enough they are your meat shields and it works just fine.

Wait, you’ve gotten Worldstone Keep on Hell without souls? Did somebody turn Satan’s AC on again?

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I farm it as summoner. But it depends on the spawns I get. Low density means I mostly just skip. High density I kill. As summoner with maxed resists there’s nothing dangerous here.

I get that, although OP is poison :stuck_out_tongue:

Poison you can farm anything except WK basically, it’s just not worth the time and risks.