What would get you to buy/play Diablo 4?

right, their entire color scheme is a problem. they need to make that better. they need to start there. lol.

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For me to purchase it? It would need

  1. to be single player, available offline

  2. to not have any in-game purchases whatsoever

I did not even read anything else about D4 beyond those two mistakes :rofl:


basically this, once its dirt cheap it might be worth it it at least learn the story. i like lore.
but that’s basically it… i already tried the beta and it wasn’t fun. i wanted a hurricane wolf

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Yeah that’s pretty much impossible. D4 is implemented sorta like a “mmo-like” thing where the overworld is shared with random players and there are server-side events going on all the time. It doesn’t really play like a traditional ARPG anymore where you host your own lobbies for multiplayer or otherwise have the entire world for yourself.

It’s one of the craziest divorce stories in fiction.


They basically removed everything that made D2 great, gameplay, runes, itemization, interesting loot, replay value, unrestricted trading etc… more or less everything that defined the genre, even diablo himself. He might show up in a later expansion though and come with another 100$ price tag.

What i really dont understand is why people put up with this bs the amount of copium needed is beyond me, they basically sold a game called diablo without diablo wtf, 100$ scam right there and the rest of the game is basically a hollow shell that has nothing in common with the original games (D1/D2)

Sure the campaign was ok but thats it, thats all u get and when ur done u realise how hollow and empty this game is and everything u have accomplished so far is basically useless cause none of the items u have found has endgame potential, u wont find that untill u reach the final world tier. Besides the diversity is basically non existent cause every build is gated behind most of ur items having specific aspects to match ur skill, not really any room for some sort of customization at all. Basically what they are saying is they want u to play it “their way”

The itemization is by far the worst bs i have ever seen in any ARPG, complete rework needed if u ask me and i really didnt buy diablo to play WoW

I definitely got “divorced” from that game, think ill wait for PoE 2 and never return to D4 , its just beyond repair

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A lot of people’s first Diablo game was D3 and they are not looking for the D2 experience, that’s pretty much the target audience. It’s a more casual, actioney, arcadier type of ARPG.

Case in point. A lot of people got into Blizzard games through wow, and then got into D3 after that so that’s the type of game they’re more familiar with. And with PoE pretty much covering the more traditional oldschool style of gameplay, D4 focuses on that audience instead so it doesn’t have to compete straight on.

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I have zero plans to buy D4. I tried it during the open beta and it was not fun at all. I think I gave up on it withing 3-4 hours.

I own and enjoy D1, and D2 (all flavors), and D3, but I have not played D3 in years… so make of that what you will.

Things I disliked about D4:
The color of everything
The view angle and distance
Leveling makes you feel weaker not stronge
Armor and weapons were unexciting

Maybe someday when it is in the $5 bargain bin, I might try it out again


This is one of the biggest indicators that the devs are amateurs. ARPG looks better more zoomed out than zoomed in. It looks better on a 60 degree angle, and they went with 80 degree, nearly top down.

And this is why I don’t cut them any slack with “they didn’t have enough resources, time, etc”.

That’s not an excuse for making bad design decisions.


They changed that in the loot reborn update. You can now use the “far” zoom distance. It will still zoom in when you get back to town for some reason though. I’m pretty sure the original decision for the camera angle was to accomodate for gamepad users, as the PC version and console version now play identically (unlike D3 that has two completely different versions, D4 was built from the ground up as a console game). To play sitting far away from a TV and using a gamepad, the zoomed in option is better.


PoE crew can do those changes in a few days. In fact they create more content every 3 months than blizzard has produced during all D4 seasons combined and they do it with very little bugs and issues and the few bugs they have usually gets hotfixed within a few days


It’s a completely different game. There is no way to really make it like d2.

Get blizzard north to remake the entire game. D2 is more than just items and skills too. It’s just everything working together. It’s like trying to capture lightening in a bottle it’s hard to really explain how it all works so well

Some games are honestly accidental masterpieces. Idk the devs even really knew at the time either


Add tcp/ip to d2r and i’ll drop coin on d4 and never play it.

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They don’t exist anymore. All the former blizzard north devs moved on. Some of them have their own companies now. And given what we know about work culture in Blizzard, I doubt they’re in a hurry to come back.

Probably because they had no huge expectations. Sure, Diablo 1 was a huge success and they had to live up to that, but it doesn’t even compare to the hyperbolic adoration D2 fans have for the series these days. I doubt even if Blizz North made a new ARPG today, it would be received much different from D4 (just look at Torchlight II, that game had a lot of former D2 crew working on it, it’s a decent ARPG but it’s not the holy grail of arpg D2 fans envision). Truth is, it’s impossible to live up to the nostalgia and the stories people have with that game.

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In season 4, Diablo 4 is great, all my friend list are playing D4, like me, very fun builds, and we need to accept that the modern games are like this.

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I actually got some friends who never had interest in Diablo (or isometric arpgs in general) to try D4 on gamepass and they’re liking it so far. Good way to kill time until the elden ring dlc drops, which will be a good way to kill time until the ff14 expansion drops… This month is fantastic for gaming overall

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The first thing would be that it needs to not be marketed as a “D2 mode”. The last thing I want is to be insulted by trying to appeal to my nostalgia with something that has nothing to do with what they are trying to make me nostalgic of.

The second thing is that there needs to be the possibility to play without level scaling, as this is the worst feature ever invented for level-based games. (Basically, why would you decide to remove the whole point of having levels in the first place?)

The third thing is that the game needs to be playable offline, which means everything should be doable solo. I like having my saves locally, and being able to backup my characters (I usually play hardcore with backup, with the intent of avoiding zerging content).

That’s the baseline of what I would need to consider trying the game again (same thing for PoE, with the third point). I gave it a chance during public betas, but level scaling is just an instant no.

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Let’s just start with what is wrong.

Lack of party perks and synergies.
Level scaling.
Quests and reputation.
Itemization issues because of scaling and being class specific.
The code issues with higher number of players.
The number of players in party.
The huge open world with nothing in it.
Lack of innovation.
Bosses are on a timer instead of static or random.
Loot is not random.
The game is a crafting simulator.
There are footsteps to jump a chasm.
Generic bosses.
The story starts out cliche ands ends worse. What is that trash with gheed?
No Diablo
No mercs.
No charms.
No sets.
No runes.
No real cows
No fun.
An endless cblock dungeon you can’t overpower.
No lobbies.
No trade system.
Difficulty is through one shots not mechanics.
Blizzard doesn’t even know the math behind defense and skills any more.
You have a pet that isn’t a skill.
Mounts instead of speed choices?
Armor that does not reflect what your actually wearing or why it was godly.
Arcade type gameplay.
No magic find.
Did I mention. No Diablo?


One thing is for sure, u wont succeed when u start of by removing basically everything that defined the genre, graphics,atmosphere,itemization,loot ,runes, unrestricted trading, diversity etc. Even the most iconic bosses like Diablo himself. Thats like starting a fight by kicking urself in the nuts, no wonder fans of the old games wont like this


Tell me you have 10 diablo 4 accounts and sell materials for a living without saying it.

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Then add that you actually released the game with less features than all 3 of the originals after spending 10 years making it. Mix in a bit of gutting the game entirely of any enjoyment. Then, add absolutely nothing new to the game. And voila, you have just made a digital pile of dung.