What would get you to buy/play Diablo 4?

What would get you to buy/play Diablo 4?

  • Every account on my full block list suddenly being deleted, as they are a fraction of the spam bots which I have reported on D2R
  • Every Spam / Lobby / Game bot’s account being banned/deleted from D2R and removed from all Ladders, with an e-mail apology to every account who was ranked down due to the bot’s placement.
  • Chat Fixes listed here
  • Re-implementation of TCP/IP or implementation of a multiplayer minimum players threshold slider on game creation
  • At least one Ladder Season on LoD rules, perhaps with 1.08/9 special drops for chase rewards.

These are the bare minimum requirements. D3 Fool me once, shame on you. D2R Fool me twice, shame on me. They got me twice. Now it will take some work to make me give this company any money for any product ever again. If conditions are satisfied, I’ll buy D4 and play through the story mode once before uninstalling it forever.

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